They remastered it perfectly but the sound's slightly out of sync making it basically unplayable. 10/10 funniest game ever made

mum what are you doing, leave the wifi off, fuck sake

why is this one of the hardest games i've played in ages, this is a children's game, gonna go to the zoo and argue with the monkeys

you ever have one of those games where you just feel yourself aging as you play it? not awful i guess, but i feel like i could do literally anything else rn

It's ok, impressive for how well it does cover-based shooting considering it's so early but it's still pretty clunky and that clunk kind of stops you from doing anything cool? Found myself just auto-targeting the enemies, firing and then moving on repeatedly, not bad, just kind of dull. None of the aesthetic stuff really clicked with me either, very grey and drab without the charm you often get from similar games of the era. Voice acting and writing was kind of funny but everything else felt too meh for me to care too much. Didn't play that far but didn't get much from what I played, not really bad though.

finally,, playable machine girl album

Kind of basic but it has Birdo so it's pretty good

Kind of disappointed, I got like half way through before quitting because I'm finding it so messy and clunky. Attacks feel like they come in from nowhere, the screen's too small and Samus' movement feels really weird to me. People talk about how cool the atmosphere is but it's just not clicking for me idk, I'm getting nothing. Might try something like Super cause I've heard that's more slow-paced and open which I might like more, didn't really enjoy this though.

i feel so cool rn not liking a critically acclaimed game, i'm like the joker

i still like ralsei :)

(and everyone else, i think the game might be good idk)

Writing was alright and there were times I really liked the atmosphere, feeling very remedy-ish but I just didn't like the gameplay at all and that's left me feeling a bit meh about it. Might like it more after playing the DLCs or replaying it since I don't dislike it but feel a bit underwhelmed rn

i like the ps5 trigger stuff with the torch and aiming and stuff as well, that's fun

I ran out of things to do cause early access but it's fun

The beavers walk about having a great time and then die because I'm bad at strategy games

i played through this in hospital, literally sick

Thatcher would've been one of those people that thinks Doom 3 is shit. Glad she's dead tbh