I love games with huge worlds full of secrets, where nothing is explicitly taught to the player and they must figure it out themselves. (The witness, Outer wilds etc.)

This game is definitely follows suit, and is chock-full of 'Aha' moments and other clever things. I enjoyed my time playing through it, exploring the world is fantastic, and figuring out all of the mechanics of the unique items was a joy.

The only problem I have is the so called endgame: finding all hidden eggs and post content. 90% of the eggs I had no issue finding by myself, but man those last 10 or so were brutal. I admit I had to look up hints on where to find them, otherwise I would have NEVER found where they were.

Overall I had a good time, but with how short the main ending was (only 5 hours! Then another 6 finding the missing eggs / end content), the price may be a bit steep for time spent playing.

The first 5 hours of the original game, but stretched to be a fully fledged 30+ hour ARPG.

After hearing that, I was skeptical of how much I would like this game. Not only since its only part 1/3, and we have to wait at least another 4+ years for the finale (and 1 more for Rebirth to come to PC), but I felt like they would add a ton of filler that might ruin the original vision of the game.

However, after beating the main story (I haven't played the intergrade missions yet, but I don't think it will change my opinion drastically), I can say without a doubt that this game is fantastic. Yeah its quite linear and there is some filler content, but walking around the 3D environment and interacting with the characters / the plot being more in depth than original game's Midgar is great.

The combat system is fantastic as well, flows really nicely and swapping to other characters is done SO WELL. Can't praise it enough. It didn't need to be as fun as it is, and I've heard Rebirth's combat is even better.

The biggest downside is the amount of work required to get the game running nice on PC. Installing FFVII Hook is absolutely necessary (turn off motion blur, VRR, depth of field, etc.) otherwise the game looks SO BAD.

Overall its an 8/10 or 9/10 game. Definitely worth playing, but only if you've played the original first

Came into this with very high expectations, and it definitely didn't live up to the hype. I'm sure it was revolutionary on release tho lol. It was still a solid enough experience to make me go back to get all the endings.

Cool idea

While the game looks and sounds beautiful, I can't recommend anyone purchase this 4 HOUR GAME (to 100% as well!) at its price tag. Even though I bought it on sale I felt I got scammed.

It sucks that the game starts to get good right as you are about to beat it. It sucks that the story is cryptic and I had to look up what the game was about when I beat it. It sucks that other puzzle games do the recursion way WAY better than this (shout out Patrick's Parabox)

Anyways, only pick up at a price you are willing to spend for 4-5 hours of content, but there are much better walking simulators / recursive based puzzle games out there that are more worth your time

Absolutely brilliant game design. Puzzles are hard but fair, especially towards the last half of the game. Makes you feel like a dumbass and genius simultaneously lol.

Its hard to explain the game without going into spoilers, but if you are at all questioning if it's worth it, buy it ASAP. Only $12 USD is an INSANE deal for the experience.

I can say without a doubt I will be thinking about this game for a very long time. GOTY 2023

This review contains spoilers

Its a cool game with many unique ideas, but IMO the combat is just SO FUCKING BORING that it heavily impacted how much fun I had while playing.

I think how you have to play through 5 endings to get the true ending is a cool idea, especially after the first 2 where it feels like a completely different game.

I enjoyed the story a bit, but towards the end I just wanted to get it over with. I was planning to go back and get all 26 endings but man I don't think I have it in me lol, most of the other endings are just 2 lines of text. idk. weeb game

A very cool game with some of the best atmosphere I've seen in any type of media, brought down by its terrible inventory system & ambiguous story.

The fact that I beat the game and has basically no clue what the story was really sucked lol. But after watching a video explaining everything (shoutout Squatch gaming official on YT) it really helped me appreciate the game A TON more, but it sucks that this was basically required for me to get the full experience.

Some points of the game are insanely cool, and navigating new areas is so unsettling and well done, but all that immersion gets ripped out as soon as I have to backtrack to the save point 10 times to manage the inventory. IT REALLY SUCKS HAVING ONLY 6 SLOTS. The game loses a lot of its charm with how much time is spent going back and forth along the same path, but is clearly intended to be like this with the way the enemies work.

Overall I definitely recommend the game, although only if you watch a story explained video on top of it lol

Hollow Knight is 100% the best game I have ever played. Everything the game has to offer is exceptional, from exploring the unexpectedly massive world, to the most fluid and fun combat system, to the SOUNDTRACK... Everything is 10/10.

I will admit it took me a while to get into the game. On multiple occasions I quit after playing only 1 or 2 hours, I just couldn't see the hype. But DAMN was I wrong. After a certain point in the game everything just clicked.

The way the game handles exploration is SO GOOD, forcing you to blindly stumble around the place while looking for the map maker - Such a good concept. Or just how many secret paths and shortcuts there are that lead to one-off places that just house a mask shard / charm / nail upgrade, or even an ENTIRE NEW AREA. Or how the combat is so challenging before you get used to it, to feeling like you are unstoppable once you have the full arsenal of abilities. Absolutely brilliant. Going for 100% (technically 112%) was such a good experience. Most other games that I try to 100% just feel tedious after a while, but HK feels fresh.

Not to mention the FREE DLC's that were added to the game, each with unique new bosses (and an entire boss rush mode). Its actually insane how this good of a game came from only 3 developers.

Hands down the best game I've ever played. Can not recommend this enough.

VERY GOOD GAME. I can't stress this enough. Beating the game for the first time felt so rewarding, and every time after that on higher BSC levels felt just the same. Definitely worth picking up with all the DLC. There is an ungodly amount of content in this game, but requiring all the DLC might be a bit steep for some people, which I understand.

Its kinda insane how each weapon fells quite different from each other. Obviously some of the melee weapons will play the same, but for the most part it really changes how you play the game depending on the hand you are dealt. That being said, some weapons are FAR SUPERIOR than others, and pairing that with the way the scrolls work, you can go multiple runs trying to force a build only for you to not get the weapons you want.

Another problem with the game is the blueprint progression system. I mean it kinda makes sense that different enemies will drop different blueprints, but the fact that MOST of these are <1% drop chance makes it unnecessarily difficult trying to get all of the weapons / skins. While they do have a way to guarantee a blueprint from an enemy, it takes up your equipment slot making the run much harder, especially on 5 BSC.

There is also the assist feature, allowing you to tweak the game settings to make it easier. I never messed around with this, but with how brutally difficult the game is I can see why people would want it to be easier lol.

That being said this is a fantastic game. Highly recommend if you are a fan of roguelites.

Love the art style. For $3 definitely worth experiencing.

However it's quite hard to understand what everyone is saying cause of the randomized text. It feels like you're having a stroke when talking to npcs, just for the story to be: Gibby bad, go find him.

Hylics 2 looks WAY better and from what I've seen there is a legit story, looking forward to playing that.

game so good it got me into speedrunning lol

Yeah its ok. I think I liked it more than other people, it was my first entry into the 'draw your own map' genre and it was pretty cool, but yeah it got hella annoying towards the end

pretty funny game. actually lol'd at some moments.

really short tho. 100% achievements in 2.2hrs. not worth $15 but if its on sale for $5 then I'd go for it

You can clearly tell this was a psp game lol. The dialog is SO BAD at some points that it's laughable. Not to mention the VA for Zack doesn't really hit the mark (especially compared to the original).

That being said, the story was good. It's pretty obvious what will happen if you played original FF7 but still enjoyable none the less. The last chapter is amazing.

Combat is very solid, but can get repetitive quickly, especially towards the later stages of the game. And if you play on hard mode get ready for 15minute boss fights lol (ESPECIALLY THE LAST 2 CHAPTERS GODDAMN)

Side content is SUPER boring to get through. There's 300ish missions that all act nearly the same - walk down 1 of 5 locations towards blue exclamation mark and fight enemies you already fought in the campaign. It sucks that tons of good items are locked behind not only later game missions, but also % completion, and how the game expects you to complete most of it by the end of the game.

Overall, it's a pretty fun game, and if you like FF7 you should probably play it. I regret playing on hard mode towards the end, I could've saved 10hrs of playtime by playing on normal.

2 Playthroughts, followed most quests until the end & got all achievements:

Story is very weak, but only because of the way the game works, with most of the cool / important story bits either already happened or is hidden within item descriptions

Gameplay is 10/10. A bit easier than the other souls games IMO (jump R2 is busted, even 1year after launch lol). Flask system giving you back charges after beating groups of enemies is a weird design decision as well?