Pretty cool game great concept and short but in a good way. The music is lovely and the level design is incredible.

One of the greatest games i’ve ever played. Went into the game knowing absolutely nothing about it not even that it was a loop type game so i can assure you that the first time hearing the music and seeing the sun explode was peak video game experience.

The atmosphere is incredible, the soundtrack is perfect, it is a loop so you can take the game as fast or as slow as you want. Love the exploring in this game.

I will say that the only two complaints i have is that due to the really open world nature of this game you can often get stuck in the environment with your ship for example. And that most of the time the puzzles are fine but sometimes you get that hard one. And i’m not talking about hard puzzle that makes you think, but a frustratingly hard puzzle that make you go to youtube. You get that feeling of failure when you have to go there in search of help.

But that really does not take anything away from this near perfect game, but fuck those fishes though.

Come on this many micro transactions in a game aimed for kids is predatory. I get games like Fortnite have a lot too but it's only cosmetics. I mean I guess it's also considered cosmetics but blocking whole types of bricks behind a season pass, IN A LEGO GAME, doesn't seem right.

Only played the multi with the free weekend on playstation and it was pretty fun, but my review will be based mainly on warzone/resurgence.

I'll begin by saying that I enjoy the game very much, its quite fun playing with friends and the gameplay is very good, but its normal its the cod formula, and well it works.

My main issue is that the game is trying too much, the mini-map is clustered with bullshit which makes it pretty useless. When someone pings a place to drop for exemple good luck finding it.

Next is the weapons customization, if you don't own the base game upgrading your weapons is pretty difficult since you have to do like challenges to unlock an attachment. Speaking of attachment there are way to much things to add, why do you need like 20 suppressors, it makes it hard for new players to get into the game.

Back in the days you had like one or two of each and so it was way easier to choose. I also hate the trend in new games of having to play the meta to be competitive, I mean it was always the case for cod to an extend, but now I feel like in every game there is a perfect setup that every one follows. There's also to many items to use, in a quick paced game like this we don't need 10 types of grenades, it works in the normal multi because you always have your class, but in warzone where everything is scattered around the map it gets overwhelming.

Also as the kids say there are too many sweats in this game lol. I don't know if there's SBMM in warzone but as of now me and my mates only won two games and I mean we're not that bad we get kills but there's always a bigger fish it seems.

My last rally game was dirt 3 so it’s been a pretty long time, i personally prefer more arcady games like the earlier dirt (1,2 and 3) but i understand that now in 2023 people want more sim oriented racing games. The game does feel great on a controller so that’s good.

I will say that the environment textures at least on ps5 are not amazing but i mean its a racing game the main thing are the cars and they’re good texture-wise. The sound of the cars are amazing, playing on a home theatre you really feel like you are seating in the driver's seat.

Appart form the performance on console that seems to have been fixed now the only issues i have is the lack of a replay function accessible from the menu to look at a funny crash or a great sequence i've had without having to finish the entire stage. And flashbacks, don’t come after me with your git good or skill issues, i simply dont care lol, i play video games to have fun not stress over a 16km mountain stage, and dont say because it's a sim cause EA treats the F1 game like a sim but they get flashbacks.

But yeah maybe this kind of raw experience reminds me of one of my first games Colin McRae Rally 3, speaking of this a game from 2002 had more details in some places like a real podium at the end of each rally and when doing repairs between stages real mechanics working on the cars.

Holy shit Remedy does it again!

This might be the most impressively detailed and good looking game I've ever seen. I think on the environment details only Rockstar might be able to top this. The only negative-ish think i have to say about this game is that the gameplay feels a bit slow. It’s not even a complain i just feel like the characters could run a bit faster that’s it.

Everything else is perfect in my opinion, the voice acting, the story, the soundtrack are all 10/10. Without a doubt my GOTY.

Fell into the trap of downloading it again with the OG map coming back, i’ve been only playing zero build as i have absolutely zero interest on the normal game mode that i’ve always despised even back in 2018.

It’s actually a decent video game, i still suck lol but managed a few top 1s. This game managed to bring back my friend group to the playstation for our classic late night game sessions, something we last did during the first covid lockdown.

I still hate what this games stands for though, with all this battle pass bullshit and all the skins and everything, it’s like the movie Ready player one, it’s cool when you see your favorites characters from other video games or tv shows but other than just being there to sell more vbucks they don’t serve any purpose.

But i feel like the hype is already going down, it’s obvious that there are bots in the lobbies. And i mean it was funny at the beginning of the week when all the new players (me included) were pretty bad, but now that everyone either left the game or got good it’s less fun to drop and instantly get fucked.

So yeah, pretty good game but it will probably get deleted by the end of next week.

Pretty much a perfect game imo, they took everything great about the first one and enhanced it, the story is amazing, the gameplay is so smooth and the graphics are really something we could only dream of having some years ago.

I did not have any bug like maybe one time the dialog subtitle stayed on even after the character stopped speaking but thats it.

Got the platinum after 31 hours of gameplay so for me this is the perfect length for a video game. Of these 31 hours i thing 25 were spent beating the main story but i did take my time.

Only negative thing i could say is the same for the the first one and most games imo is that once you get the platinum the game's pretty much dead. But i mean the platinum involves getting everything so...

Pretty solid game, we sure feel like it was originally made as a dlc for Valhalla but i don't mind it. I think the setting of this game is the best since Rome and the Caribbean (the two best for me), the game is visually stunning and Baghdad's atmosphere is so well represented.

The combat is pretty ok i mean they did say i was a return to the original games with counter kills, but it feels a bit too easy ngl. They could have added more depth like in the Ezio trilogy with the throwing sand to the enemies thing and like a disarm function, but i understand if it was probably hard to implement with the RPG engine. One thing i am sad though is that you’re forced to play with the sword and dagger, i would’ve loved to use the hidden blade as my primary weapon. The focus of this game is on stealth anyway so you’ll rarely be fighting everyone at the same time so the combat difficulty is fine. Speaking of stealth it is great, not much else to say though.

The parkour remains the biggest what if, while it is perfectly fine, it is a bit janky at times but to be fair that's the classic Assassin's Creed experience imo. They could have at least added things like side ejects and ledge catching for an even greater experience. While it is a bit of a let down i never encountered any ground breaking problems like falling to my death or being stuck on an object like in the older games.

I like that you can still pet the cats but they could’ve at least added another animation it gets old pretty fast and its the same as in Valhalla lol.

Speaking of fast, i got to the end of the story pretty fast, good story overall imo, Basim really grew on me but i feel like this games lacks a current day story (something ive never thought i would say) after the end of Valhalla it would have been cool to see what Basim is up to especially with all they have set up in the ending of Valhalla.

For me this game is the perfect length since i don't play all day like i used to and for small sessions throughout the week its good (i did play all weekend though so that might explain why ive finished it quickly). It is a perfect game to play while waiting for the big releases of the end of this year, Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2.

In conclusion i feel like they should make more small-ish Assassins Creed games like this maybe one every 3 years or so in between the RPG games. I don’t know if i will be chasing the platinum for this one though it gets pretty repetitive.

this game is really carried by its story, and what a story this is! Certainly the best of the ezio trilogy, the conclusion of ezio's and altair's story is done right.
Constantinople is a pretty good setting but i just prefer Rome imo. the only thing that i didn’t like was the combat, for a start the bombs are pretty useless, i mean i can see they put a lot of thought behind it with a lot of crafting materials to craft a variety of bombs but apart from the mission where they introduced to bombs i didn’t used them.
also same problem i've had with brothehood, but ezio most of the time wouldn’t engage combat before getting hit himself which is pretty annoying if you try not to lose any health.
the fact that not every enemy can be counter killed might be more challenging but imo if you are looking for a challenging game the early AC games are not it.
i just prefer the AC2 system where you can pretty much one-hit every enemy if you press the button at the right time. like in the late game there are to many janissaries that require 3 or 4 counter to be killed, imo it breaks the flow, these games are all about feeling like an unstoppable machine and fighting the janissaries and spearmen are not it.

the game is actually fun if you just cheat so you dont have to bother with the RNG stuff, but dont tell EA though. story is a bit dumb but i dont care, the soundtrack, from what i remember, is very good and the gameplay especially the offroad physics is great.

played this game from day one, amazing graphics and really good driving sensations the perfect mix between arcade and sim.
loved fine-tuning the cars to have the best time in the uphill section of the volcano, the multi was plagued with meta-cars and tryhards unfortunately so it wasnt very fun and the battle royal mode just sucks.
then one day in 2022 i just stopped playing i dont even know why.