About me

From Jojoyabuki

Favorite Game of All Time
Hideo Kojima made a one time chef-d'œuvre.
Favorite Series
5 main games that I love and have trouble ranking, each with a distinct identity while telling a continuous story.
First Game
Not the greatest entry point to the gaming media for a 5 years old but cool af.
Game that made me love video games
Lot of contenders from a lot of periods but Elden Ring was the push that I needed in 2022 to make the step towards the greatest part of gaming that I experienced.

Resident Evil 4 and Fallout New Vegas are both contenders.
Favorite Art Style
Vanillaware tier.
Favorite Story
Hard one, nonetheless it is all the things I love the most in one story.
Favorite Soundtrack
Easy one, like no contenders.
Favorite Protagonist
I could play another 100 hours with Rei Kurosawa, she is more than a character.
Favorite Antagonist
Vergil is a lot of thing, might be my best rival/anta/master/boss/etc..
Favorite Ending
Ending E.
If you know you know.
Favorite Level Design
Dust District, Stilton Manor and The Clockwork Mansion are peak level design in the same game and moreover have great replayability.
Favorite Atmosphere
Lovecraft, Space, Horror, Gore, Intriguing.
Favorite Indie Game
I can't believe that so few people manage to make one of the "recently" greatest video game.
Favorite Boss Fight
Flower field trope at its peak.
Most anticipated game
Post Silent Hill 3 has been quiet for now, I hope that ryukishi make this franchise shine again.
Biggest Letdown
The cover, the setting, the promise, the expectation, the horror, the first person view, chris appearance, RE4 references.
All a fucking joke.
Guilty pleasure
I love prequel, and I love Chloe Price.
It has something special.
Tons of Hours Played
I played too much of this game for my own sanity.
Game I always come back to
Because it is just so much fun, so relaxing and SSStylish.
Personal Love
Embodiment of love towards a lot of my favorite media and tropes. I could replay it or speedrun it everyday.
Most Profound Video Game
My entry point to philosophy and the best video game to do it.


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