23 Reviews liked by DarnokSosa117

Le jeu divise et c'est normal mais faut prendre la peine de faire les 5 fins selon moi parce que c'est vraiment une expérience unique si on fait l'effort.
A mon avis beaucoup de joueurs n'ont pas continué le jeu après la fin A et faire ça c'est inutile car tu passes à côté du vrai jeu et de son scénario.

Les ost du jeu sont mémorables je pense que c'est mes ost préféré pour un jeu vidéo

Si on prend juste le côté scénario et émotionnel c'est un 5/5
Je mets pas au dessus de 4/5 car on fait vite le tour du gameplay et le jeu est beaucoup trop répétitif meme si c'est fait exprès

Histoire incroyable, Multijoueur magique avec le Xbox Live sur la Xbox 360. Certifié Banger.

the liberals are trying to stop me from stroking my shit the west has fallen


Halo: Combat Evolved is a fun but flawed game that unfortunately shows its age in quite a few ways. This game shines brightest when it shows off its unique and incredible locations, each with their own incredible atmospheres, and ties it all together with its very interesting story. Unfortunately however this game is not always at its best. A good portion of the game is spent navigating tight corridors, often seeing the same rooms copy and pasted over and over again, and fighting the same bunch of enemies. Master chief is fun to control in combat, however a few controls feel a bit outdated or awkward, such as the vehicle controls and lack of a zoom button while shooting. This game also suffers from not really having a proper waypoint system. Despite all of the levels being pretty linear it's still very easy to get lost due to the often confusing and repetitive map design. Overall Halo's biggest problem is its repetitiveness. Whether it be enemies, weapons, or maps, after a certain point you'll start to feel like you're just doing the same thing over and over again. The story is definitely still interesting however and though repetitive it is fun. Despite its rough patches I'm very glad I completed this game and would still recommend checking it out.

The perfect end to the original trilogy of the Halo franchise. Leaves every character and arc with a satisfying conclusion. The level design is vast and unique with each mission (apart from Cortana) being extremely fun to play. Soundtrack gives many callbacks to the original games with remastered tracks and brings many new iconic tracks as well. Graphics are still very good for a game that came out in 2007. Multiplayer is still as good as it always has been with each map and weapon in the sandbox being very fun, unique and complimenting one and another. It does not get much better than this in a video game.

Excellent Combat with some of the best looking & feeling Boss Fights ever. Lacking in RPG elements and some story beats are a trudge to get through.

Extra half star for the cool jazz soundtrack.

So uh, I don't know what happened here. I've been playing through the yakuza series and even though I was so-so with Judgment I've had a good time with all of them so far. Kiryu is one of my favorite characters in all of gaming and while they certainly weren't without faults I thought all the other games were at the bare minimum pretty great. This ones not. In fact, its bordering on being a bad one. I imagine not many share the sentiment but to put it simply while playing this I was just straight up not having a good time.
The first issue is the plot. Its really really really (and I cant stress this enough: really) stupid. Now, the previous yakuza games have had their fair share of silly moments but Yakuza 4 goes past that. The moments arent dumb fun, they're just plain dumb. The same exact plot twist happens MULTIPLE times, and it was already barely believable the first time. Not to mention some incredibly baffling character decisions and poor writing. I am gonna refrain from going deeper into this to save my remaining braincells but the amount of time I stopped paying attention to the game to text my boyfriend about how stupid what just happened was, was astronomical (he's currently playing through it too, he's enjoying it more than I am at least!) Beyond the frequent stupidity was that the actual plot was just kinda boring? and uninteresting? Out of the five or so main antagonists, only one of them was actually interesting and they didnt even make it to the end. Out of three that are in the finale, one of them is about the most pointless character ever and nothing is done with him, while the other two are incredibly dull and forgettable. Then theres our new protagonists. And honestly? All of them are interesting. I wanna know more about them. But Yakuza 4 only gives you 4 chapters with each of them, which is absolutely not enough time to get attached to them or any of the side characters in their respective stories, so the big meetup in the finale while cool didnt really felt earned and the whole game I was just waiting for daddy Kiryu to show up. (it was glorious when he did) But as awful as the plot is told, I cant say I disliked all of it. There were a couple moments, particularly the end of Tanimura's section that I really liked a lot and at some point I had even considered giving the game as high as a 4/5 (before the disappointing finale) but.. if only the bad plot was the worst thing about the game. No no, that award goes to the gameplay.
Yakuza 4's final boss consists of said boss running around the arena shooting you while you 10 armored goons, some with knives, swarm you, stun lock and knock you down constantly. He respawns these endlessly until you are able to defeat him first. This is what I believe to be the worst final boss fight I've ever partaken in. Bloodborne while blindfolded would be a less infuriating experience. Now Yakuza 4 isnt the hardest game, as you have a large inventory you can easily stock up with healing items and essentially stall your way through the whole thing. But I would be lying to myself If I said I had a fun time with the combat. If the final boss was the only example of garbage game design, I could be pretty forgiving. But what if I told you: the entire game is like that. From bosses that spam evade to stunlock you from behind and then repeat the same combo over and over again knocking you down (this is literally every boss) to swarms of enemies that just spam grapple you and, because of course, one of the sections ends with an hour long fight full of bullshit grapple enemies and shotguns that you do indeed to have to restart in its entirely if you die. This section happens right after I began getting invested in the story. As you can imagine, after finally getting through it I wanted nothing more than for it to be over
Now, there are some redeeming qualities to the game I haven't mentioned. Obviously its not the worst thing ever as a 2.5 isnt exactly the worst score. The music is fantastic and the music reminded me of Danganronpa(non-derogatory) and this is the first of the series to my knowledge that actually lets you skip the mini game tutorials, which after forced golfing in Y3 was very appreciated. There were also a handful of genuinely funny scenes. But these dont make up for the rest of the game and if anything only make my disappointment in it greater. After this review Im gonna try to remove Y4 in its entirety from my memory. I beat it on normal difficulty, and I wont ever be beating it again. I hope Yakuza 5 is better, I'm still looking forward to it.

Also I couldn't figure out where to add this in the review, but nearly every finale taking place at the millennium tower is really getting old. It doesnt really affect story quality but it is way overdone and makes it hard to take seriously

Trophy Completion - 21%
Time Played - 20 hours 53 minutes
Nancymeter - 49/100
Game Completion #24 of 2022
March Completion #3

A good game and a nice intro to an iconic series. My complaints are the same as other fans throughout the years: levels are repetitive to the point where you feel like you’re going insane, the checkpoint distribution sometimes feels illogical, and using the final level’s warthog controls is more painful than getting your teeth pulled out. Still a good game, lots of excitement, tension, suspense, and horror especially with the flood.

Worlds MOST OVERRATED game of all time. This game has the worst combat in a hack and slash game i have ever seen, i would never recommend it.

C'est un très bon animé interactif mais un jeu vidéo moyen par contre

Y a des ost très bonnes, l'animation des combats est bonne, c'est dynamique bref on se croirait vraiment dans un anime mais le problème principal du jeu c'est le gameplay qui je trouve est horrible t'as juste a marteler une touche et tu gagnes. Ensuite le jeu est composé en grande majorité de cinématiques ce qui pour moi pose problème

Le meilleur, Pagan Min trop sous-côté alors que c'est vraiment le tyran narcissique le plus stylé de tous

J'vais en choquer plus d'un là

Le jeu de toute ma vie, tout simplement