241 reviews liked by Darth_Reggie

This site should allow us to leave negative ratings because this game would be like a -3 out of like 100 I don't believe there is anyone out there who genuinely thinks this game is good unless half of their skull is missing

postal is not a fun game. the subject matter itself is obviously enough to put most people off but even in it's actual gameplay it is repetitive, unsatisfying, janky, and at times simply frustrating. for me, it's hard to write this off as completely unintentional. unlike the subsequent and much more famous postal 2, this game takes it's premise of unmotivated mass murder completely at face value, presenting itself as a descent into madness not unlike a nine inch nails album or a von trier film with some pitch black humor thrown in not to entertain the audience but instead to make them even more uncomfortable with the actions they are committing. the inter level artwork of twisted bodies and demonic faces mixed with the dilapidated and dirty look of the gameworld gives everything this really disgusting feeling, a noxious vibe that i think gives this game the "survival horror" tag more than anything in the actual gameplay. the game's ending also gives it the real thematic gutpunch that level after level of senseless violence really needs, positing "going postal" as a reaction to the alienation and brutality at the heart of american society. it's not exactly a subtle, deep, or new idea, but it was an idea i wasn't expecting this game to try to pull off and i think it does so quite admirably. it's not a game that i would say i enjoyed or had fun with, but it's a game i respect for pushing itself so far so early in the medium's life, and being just so brazen in its own depravity.

full disclosure, the game crashed on me during the very last level and i lost all my progress so i just watched the ending on youtube lmao

What a wild ride, to think they did very little to improve on the original and the vast majority of changes make the game much worse. The biggest bad change is the whole crafting system, which I spent ages figuring out and working on a video explaining it all because it's total nonsense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e82M7zj12g&t=22s&ab_channel=AllstarBrose

On its own, Ishin is a middling Yakuza game. Middle of the road story that's really slow but has a few decent highs, a weak selection of minigames, a bad selection of substories, some of the grindiest side content in the series, and combat that loses the refinement of 5 without the energy or synergy of 0's styles. If you look at it on its own, Ishin's probably a solid 6/10. Once you compare the changes between the original release and this one, you'll question what the hell RGG Studio was doing.

First off, why on earth is brawler so weak? It deals no damage compared to the rest of your styles and the combo speed boost does not help. Why is sword so slow? Why does wild dance do so little? Why is gun... well gun's mostly the same once you put a pierce seal on one since armor takes no damage from guns. The combat does not feel good, especially when compared to the original release. Ryoma falls over if an enemy so much as looks at him wrong and you gotta sit through a two second animation. There is no herculean spirit in this game (and stability is locked to brawler) so unless you wanna be on the ground for 1/5 of the time you're fighting, get good at those blocks and dodges (of which they locked komaki dharma tumbler to unarmed instead of it being for all styles for some reason).

Ishin was already known as one of the grindiest games in the series, but they did very little to fix it initially. A lot of the diligence records were made less grindy, but some of the worst ones (like Gion reputation) weren't changed at all. The seal system was completely ruined, but the video linked above covers that. At release material gathering was just as tedious as it was in the original, but a patch has been put out to remedy this at least. This game is still insanely grindy and frustrating for that purpose, don't say "that's just for 100% completion!!!" The game encourages you to use the blacksmith. If you're playing a casual playthrough, you won't be able to craft much of anything since so much requires dungeon grinding, plus none of the systems are explained to you. It's complete bullhonkey.

The casting changes are also a big misstep, one of the cool things about the original release was that because almost every character was similar to their mainline personality, you got to see interactions that never happened before. Seeing Mine as an ally to Kiryu or interacting with Saejima or seeing Baba showing off his deceptive personality from the start created interesting dynamics. Now? Oh cool there's Kuze, sounding more bored than ever and being an underhanded, dishonest bastard for some reason. Oh wow there's Han, who's a spy and torturer but sticks out like a sore thumb and acts completely different than he did in 7 (and in 6 he has one scene where he's ruthless). Oh cool there's Zhao, being shifty and shady when he's never been like that before. The only one that really fits is Awano, but that character was barely present anyway. All of this casting just screams fanservice for people who played only 0, K1, K2, and 7 instead of having a wide variety of characters from your whole legacy.

The original release of Ishin was in my bottom 3 for Yakuza games, but this one easily takes the cake for worst game in the series to me. I can't ever see myself replaying either iteration of the game, nor could I ever recommend them. If you want a gripping story with good emotional beats, play Y3. If you want a more serious, clinical, but tightly written story, play Judgment. If you want great side content, play 5. If you want great combat, play Lost Judgment. There's nothing Ishin does better, or even close to as good, as any other game in the series. Do not bother with this one.

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This was a Stranger of Paradise prequel the whole time???

I have no clue if this is still the last bastion of our culture war or if it’s too woke now so I’m giving it a 5/10 to average those two possibilities out

Basic bitch cliff notes understanding of the most mainstream psychologists and philosophers possible. Dan Hentschel says more about psychology than this garbage.

John Carpenter or Ridley Scott please sue Nintendo for ripping you off, it would be the funniest thing ever

Pointless fanservice wankfest going back on the prior game’s actual experimentation

This game basically does what Killer7 does but better written

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