My favourite game in the series bar none helped me out during the worst time in my life so far seeing ichi always get back up no matter how many times he got kicked to the ground was inspiring as hell

cool game very neat ideas that i hear are better elaborated in the 2nd game biggest issues is the combat being kinda stale and just you mashing square and the ending feels sudden and rushed

this happened one time in my city although instead of a funny ugly witch, it was a child murderer

I loved almost every minute of this game super creative and fun and feels like a game i'd have played on the ps2. Movement is just so fluid and fun the game might as well be the floor is lava with how much air time you can get with the core moveset as well as the combo meter on the right rewarding you for keeping it going as long as you can. only point i'd say is meh with this game is the bossfights they're not much to right home about and are super simple to beat other than that this is definitely the best game I've played all year so far any fans of 3d platformers do not miss out on this one.

I hope sonic superstars or spiderman 2 ends up trumping this game for goty

Fun game with a lot of flaws to it. Core combat is pretty simple but effective and enjoyable kinda feels like weird in between of nmh 1 and 3 to me in some ways but the parts where this game annoyed me really stopped me from loving this game most bosses are terribly designed like the dream fight with the red hooded lady being gimmicky or the kaiju fight going on too long. the story isn't terrible but I wish had more development to it, especially with that weird sequel bait thing at the end. music is fantastic tho very happy a friend recommended to play the ps3 version so I can hear the licensed music especially the credits theme that went hard

overall solid enough time i think anyone who likes hack n slashers and suda games should try this one

(didn't mention gigalo mission because they arent worth going into any detail about)

this game gets the rating it gets because of how boringly easy it is the story and cast are nice tho


Hideaki Anno is a Hack and this show sucks fucking major ass

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first off do not be a moron like me and buy a whole ass Dreamcast just to play this damn game cause it ain't worth it at all

where to even begin the combat itself is pretty mindless but enjoyable enough to where I wanted to keep playing. It doesn't help the game is short af

but man oh man when this game wants to piss you off it exceeds tenfold the fucking fight with Zodd was like you were put into a room with Hulk Hogan during his prime jacked on steroids and you're only weapons to fight back were a butter knife and some rocks

the story is just plain average it's clear Miura (RIP Legend) wrote this game in like an afternoon and honestly feels on par with reading the prototype story except for the weird ass shit where at the end casca is cured from her illness and is able to talk to guts for a few secs SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT THAT'S NEVER BROUGHT UP IN THE MANGA EVER AFTER THIS GAME

the voice acting was average Cam Clarke (Liquid Snake) does a really annoying ass voice as Puck IMO and the sound mixing during cutscenes was awful you can barely hear characters sometimes

overall a mediocre game that has no value to anyone who isn't a fan of Berserk and if you are you can just look up Brendo Sp's video on all the Berserk games review he covers this game and the other two games very well

I hate legit nothing about this game its lightning in a bottle

Honestly if you said you werent a fan of the gameplay i'd get it

But the story is on a whole other level I think it does the personal and great tragedy thing just a bit better than automata

I hate Disney because they're evil and towards the end I wanted to kick The director in the balls

Sonic 3 is my favourite game of all time I go back every year and beat it at least one time I know it inside and out it's one the only pieces of media I will ever give a 10 out of 10 everything about this game brings a smile to my face it's the one game that has been there in every stage of my life and will probably be till the day I pass this game will forever part of me and I cant thank the devs enough for putting their souls into this game

Easily the worst game in the franchise in every department theres nothing i like about this game i couldnt even bother finishing it and with the blue rat im super patient but I couldn't deal with game any longer