My first try at a Metroid game, and its a fantastic and addictive formula,with the only real downside for me that i might be a bit too impatient for it, But its really hard to think about any downsides, objectively.

So charming and fun, its really a memorable exprience that i didnt expect to love so much.

TL;DR: Highest Highs and (somewhat) lowest lows

== Pros ==
- Masterfully-crafted designs, especially for the enemies and bosses. Some of the bosses are legit the most unique i have ever in video game
- Intriguing story and great characters
- addictive and rather simple gameplay loop, which, is someone who is new to JRPG and turn-based combat, i could appreciate

== Cons ==
- Mid-game drags out, both combat-wise and story-wise
- at some point, the whole formula with the days gets annoying as you just spend days without doing much, especially if you finish dungeons early. You could build social links and such, but its def. not come close to the enjoyment that you will get from the rest of the story.
at some point it almost feels like a chore.
- A lot of technical issues plague the PC version, and what makes me not continue playing the game after the first play through, as i had to use really old driver to not have the game crash every few mins for me.

Super fun gameplay, let down by an empty, boring world and lack of environmental variety or mission variety, making it quite forgettable even though a lot of aspects on the singleplayer mode are decent enough, the story is decent too, but its again let down by how same-y everything look, making a lot of the big moments in the story really loses their impact

The Multiplayer further put it down, by being mediocre at the best and it really fails to keep you hooked.

For me, GTA V is The Peak of gameplay variety and polished, fun arcade-y gunplay and driving, making it extremely fun to just play.
Adding to that, the characters are super memorable and funny (something that isnt too common) with the rather unique setting of being a parody of western popular culture are just amazingly entertaining, making it easily one of my favorite games of all time, and really a game that has a lot more substance to it than people give it credit for nowadays, imo.

Really fun gameplay but with some pretty big downsides:
1. lack of music
2. a lot of visual repetition on shrines, dungeons and other aspects of the game
3. More than only being visual repetitive, the dungeons are in general pretty lacking, Especially the bosses' designs and the final boss
4. The short cutscenes (memories) with various characters feels like a missed opportunity, since they are very-well animated and pretty interesting, but we never really dive to the story or the characters and it feels like theres so much wasted potential there

Perfection all around. An intruging world lore and design, so many variety when it comes to build, enemies and bosses, its really hard to top elden ring.

Cool prestention and ideas let down by extremely lacking gameplay on all fronts, whatever its driving, shooting, AI and more.

As a mario noob, this game was just pure fun, even if its clearly not perfect, it was just one of the most fun exprieneces i had in gaming.

it was pretty fun, but relatively fortgettable.

Super boring mision design, cringe-inducing characters and a terrible ending.

Cant think about a game that screams more forgettable than this one.

A delightfully dark and intruging story with an addictive gameplay loop.

Only real downsides are the feeling that its very luck based and the rather slow start :)

Beautiful presentation, sound/music makes everything about this game more fun. its also decently challenging.
great experience overall, with some annoyances like all the 3d bait in the game which can makes some boss battles more annoying, and world 6 is kinda meh.