Colors are for NERDS!

Yeah, I said it, time to appreciate the games that reject color and embrace the black and white monochromatic supremacy! And with games in black and white, I mean ONLY black and white, games like Downwell that include other colors, even if it's only a little, do not count... except grey. Grey is fair game.

As always, any submissions are more than welcomed!

Master Key
Master Key
World of Horror
World of Horror
Added by Drax
Misericorde: Volume One
Misericorde: Volume One
Added by LordDarias
I haven't played this one, but it seems to be completely in black and white, but correct me if I'm wrong!
Toem: Basto Region
Toem: Basto Region
Only the DLC and not the original game. The base game does have color in a certain point, but Basto is free of those pesky tints!
Trek to Yomi
Trek to Yomi
Added by MPK92
Lost Your Marbles
Lost Your Marbles
Added by appreciations.
This represents all of the Playdate games, since all ar in black and white.
Rogue Invader
Rogue Invader
Added by Drax
Critters for Sale
Critters for Sale
Added by LordDarias
Minit Fun Racer
Minit Fun Racer
Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived
Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
Gato Roboto
Gato Roboto
Added by Drax
West of Loathing
West of Loathing
Added by Drax
The Citizen Kane of Video Games
The Citizen Kane of Video Games
Added by LordDarias
Hidden Folks
Hidden Folks
Added by Drax
Suits: A Business RPG
Suits: A Business RPG
Added by Drax
Everything is Black and White
Everything is Black and White
Added by Drax
White Night
White Night
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
Plug & Play
Plug & Play
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
One Upon Light
One Upon Light
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
4-Lung Boy
4-Lung Boy
Added by LordDarias
The Bridge
The Bridge
Added by Drax
Horror Vacui
Horror Vacui
Added by MobileSpider
Cart Life
Cart Life
Added by Drax
The Graveyard
The Graveyard
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
Added by Drax
Added by Dalaamclouds
Lunar Lander
Lunar Lander
Added by Dalaamclouds
Space Invaders
Space Invaders
Added by Dalaamclouds
Added by LordDarias


Ok but seriously, I wanted to make this since I really appreciate games that limit themselves to such a small pallet of colors and manage to look good either way. Some here are better than others in that regard, but still, I really respect that decision.

Also Black & White is a fraud! DAMN YOU PETER MOLYNEUX!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Later Alligator is a good one!
@moschidae While the backgrounds are in black and white, the characters are fully colored, so it sadly doesn't count. Good thinking tho, it's always good to be reminded of that game, it's soooo good!

@MPK92 Oh my, I LOVE how this looks! I'll add It right now, as It seems to be fully un black and white.

1 year ago

Misericorde : Volume One, Critters For Sale, 4-Lung Boy, The Citizen Kane of Videogames and (surprised no one has said this yet) Pong

1 year ago

Oh oops, in my memory the whole thing is black and white >_> sorry!
@LordDarias I don't know how I forgot about Pong, it's literally the quintessential black and white game. I'll add it right now, alongside the other games you mentioned, all great submissions (also reminded me that I have to try Misericorde)! Thank you!

@moschidae Don't worry! I get the mix up honestly, tho I'll say that I really like that the game is not fully black and white, it makes the characters pop out even more and it's great. What an awesome little game.

1 year ago

Are you looking for games that are just b&w or like modern games that challenge themselves to only use b&w? There’s lots of old games that I can name that are b&w (lunar lander, space invaders, asteroids, etc) as they didnt have many other options but don’t know if they would count! Nonetheless, fun list idea!
@Dalaamclouds I kinda prefer including modern games that take that stylistic choice since, as you said, many games where in black and white 'cause they couldn't have anu more. But, since I included Pong, I'll add the ones that you mentioned, since they are incredibly well-known games and they do deserve at least a mention!

And thank you so much! I really like games in this style and I'm glad to have so many entries already.
could put every playdate game on here
@appreciations I had no idea what a Playdate was and it's so fucking cool! I will add one game as representative for the entire library since all of them are back and white, but this is so fascinating and I had no idea it existed.
@DemonAndGames They're pretty neat! I want to get it but I am going to wait until they possibly make a backlit one.

1 year ago

I haven't played this yet, but does Horror Vacui fit?
@MobileSpider By the looks of it, it absolutely counts! I'll add it right now!

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