I can't even begin to explain why this game is half as good as it is. The characters are so full of life, the bullet hell touhou esque battle system is so intuitive and fun, the lore and story is super well thought out, and of course the multiple endings based on how you decide to act. An RPG where no one has to die as it was advertised as, or an RPG where you stop at nothing to kill everyone. It specifically makes it HARDER to kill everyone to ensure it's the very last thing you think of dojng. The horror of playing this for the first time was truly something else man you jsut had to be there

me when the devs make like 4 games in 1 game but again and better sorry not sorry

me when the devs make like 4 games in 1 game they craxy for that shit on god

also they added so many new copy abilities god damn

New Copy Abilities:

ONE OF MODERN KIRBY'S GREATEST. The gimmick was well intertwined with the level design and never felt put of place. The lore was fantastic and the overall vibe it gave off was one of a kind.

New Copy Abilities:
Doctor (6/10)
ESP (8/10)
Poison (7/10)

Doesn't hold a candle to it's eventual sequel, but truly was a grand return for such a beloved series. For years the fate of this franchise was in purgatory, until DKCR. If any game were to bring it back I'm glad it was this one.

I miss this series and this game is proof it shouldn't be stuck in the past. It could have such a good future man

Definitely worth the wait. The level design is probably the best out of them all imo. Granted it's been awhile since I've played SoT, but KoC is very imaginative and wild. I crave more, Yacht Club, I need m,orej

It's between this and King of Cards for the best campaign in Shovel Knight. But I think in the end this wins. If anyone needed a reason to play SK, this is it.

To me, it's probably the weakest of the 4 playable campaigns in this game, but that's not to say it's bad. It's still great and would be rated higher if it wasn't for the other 3 being so good.

I first played this on the Wii U back in the days of yore. I love the level design and concept. It's super unique and very fun to play. Highly recommend (to the 4 of you who'll see this review) if you're a fan of 2D platformers or older NES era games.


it's such a shame Silent Hills was canceled after how widely well received this teaser was. It had such BIG names involved like Junji Ito, Guillermo del Toro, and of course Hideo Kojima on the project.
During Game Awards [2023] Kojima revealed both he and Jordan Peele are working on a game titled OD. Hideo teased there's other names involved so I HOPE it's a spiritual successor to P.T.


valve just always hits man it's a shame they don't know how to count passed 2