I have yet to experience any game more joyful to play through. Perfect game. Greatest of all time.

This is one of those games I really love but I never have any desire to play in its entirety.

Absolute spectacular Metroidvania, I would kill for another one of these types of games

I really enjoy it, but I don’t get the hype….

Absolutely wonderful horror game. Leon Kennedy is my goat

I bought this for 30¢ and still got ripped off.

This game has so much sauce good lord

A bit cutscene heavy but the story, gameplay, and characters are phenomenal so it’s fine.

Game is good but it’s just a prequel to portal 2.

The Gold Standard for Super Hero Video Games.

A bit of a downgrade from City but still fun

I suck ass at it but it’s fun!

This is probably a perfect video game

That ending was the only time I’ve ever cried playing a game

It’s pretty great but DAMN those Difficulty spikes…