Gonna be Tekken a piss on this game’s disc

Game for people who still find Family Guy bits edgy

Look at this SJW soyboy they put on the cover lmao

The most complete feeling game Atlus has ever made

I was going to give this a 10/10 for some top tier old man yaoi but apparently, it’s not actually old man yaoi and is instead just an old man Russian taunt????? Fuck that shit

Fuck greedy fangame makers who think they can just steal Nintendo’s property like that

Tried to give this game another chance since I felt maybe I was too hard on it but no, it’s even worse. It is glitchy to the point of being unplayable with Link being barely controllable, areas not loading correctly, and a statue from later in the game randomly showing up everywhere and blocking the way. Appalled at Nintendo for releasing a game in this state.

Worst Mario platformer because I ain’t trying to play my games with that little controller that looks like a dildo

I don’t get it? The town is making him stupid?

Game’s probably okay idfk but it gets 5 stars for its legacy: an extremely funny wave of Starship Troopers discourse

I opened up trending and gave a half star to one of the first games I saw
You may now laugh

Erases representation for the most oppressed minority: left handed people

This is what the Grinch was trying to prevent

Discord gifs are the most reliable source of games critique

In the long time I’ve spent running this account, I’ve grown both as a reviewer and as a person. And it’s become increasingly apparent that I need to apologize for a long streak of immature behavior regarding this particular series.

I’m sorry for giving Megaman games half star ratings over something as petty as not including Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yaoi.

It’s childish, it’s messing with the average review score, and above all else, it’s a really superficial way to look at art. I still do not like most of the games in this series but I promise to offer more substantial critique in the future. As a show of good faith, below is my honest review of Megaman 11:

This game fucking sucks because it doesn’t have Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yuri. Keiji Inafune should take his stupid fucking NFTs and shove them up his ass.