175 Reviews liked by Devixicus

PSP Ridge Racers but easier and boring, weird entry to be honest considering the PSP ones are just better

It's great if you want repetitive gameplay to calm down and relax after a hard day. I hate that the clothes are practically genderlocked though.

The biggest disappointment of my life. I'm a Style Savvy fan, so when I heard they were making a new series inspired by Style Savvy I was really excited! I didn't expect it to be exactly like Style Savvy, but... this? Really? Clothes are gendered, the game is blindingly bright, the characters have no personality, items are just given to you from 'liking' them instead of earning them and using them as stock, there's no story, there's little sense of progression, it's missing several item types that were in previous games, the hub area sucks, there are frame drops for seemingly no reason, and the clothing customization is very limited. This is essentially full price for a prettied-up flash dress-up game.

I'd probably give this 1.5 or 2 stars realistically, but the amount of people who excuse this game's horrible launch, lack of content, and scummy modern gaming practice of telling us to just "wait for updates" in hopes that the game will be worthwhile someday is disgusting. Stop letting companies get away with stuff like this. Do not buy this game.

this is pretty interesting

if you're not familiar with this game, then it's basically a beta Super Monkey Ball. it came out on arcade cabinets a few months before Super Monkey Ball and was planned to have a home port for the Dreamcast. unfortunately the Dreamcast was dying at that point so instead the game got put on the GameCube and reworked as Super Monkey Ball.

if you've played Super Monkey Ball, you've kinda played this game already. almost all the levels from that game originated here, only each world has different music and a more simplistic aesthetic compared to the GameCube version (I still think they look cool though!). oh yeah there's also no GonGon, no party games, and the monkeys have slightly higher pitched voices.

ngl I really like how simplistic the levels and worlds look, the vocoded announcer and the more experimental music (I actually prefer some of these music tracks to the GC version actually) really help push this unique vibe the game has.

that said this is truly an arcade game at heart, so there's no such thing as Play Points or Party Games here so that sucks. despite that though this is still an excellent arcade game and set the basis for Super Monkey Ball so there's nothing to hate about that. I'd still recommend you to play Super Monkey Ball instead for the definitive experience, but if you ever see this at an arcade, play it IMMEDIATELY.

just make sure you have a buttload of quarters because you'll need them

Nintendo is too scared to release a new F-Zero because they know they can't top GX. A perfect game, one of the best racers of all time no doubt.

A game carried by it's writing and setting. The shooting and "stealth" gameplay leave a lot to be desired.

The writing is cool and the concept in general is gold. The execution, however, is not. Bummer.

"Actually, the game is fucking...

But the MUSIC is AMAZING!"

She really did traumatize so many cia guys

The best 2D Zelda by far

The Zelda Series had reached a point in the early 2010s where the formula was starting to get old, specially considering the lack of innovation the series had in the 2000s, and as much as I think that time was the peak of Zelda games, one day the series had to change, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was the start of that.

The game embraces non linearity in a smart way, bringing innovation to the series while also staying true to its roots, in an even better way than BOTW did(BOTW is still better overall tho). This was a breath of fresh air after how obscenely linear Skyward Sword was.

The new mechanics are amazing, the double worlds mechanic are way better implemented than ALTTP, and merging into walls is really fun, both in puzzle solving and as a movement option.

It's also a pretty easy game to 100%, the heart pieces are all simple to find and some are really creative, and lots of the quests are really fun to do, specially the Maiamai collecting, which is my favorite collecting quest in the whole series

This is truly an amazing game that every Zelda fan should play.

Exactly what a Kirby game should be: easy, short, and full of charm. Carried by its great animations, timeless soundtrack, and extremely cute transformations rather than any kind of mechanical depth. The 3D Classics version is an absolute joy due to brilliant 3D effects, an optimized port, and even some reworked sprites.

Armored Core 6 is a true love letter to the franchise, and it shows.
You're not just fighting against other mechs; you're tearing through massive environments, dodging barrages of missiles, and unleashing devastating firepower. It's a visceral experience that really makes you feel like you're piloting a giant war machine.

The customization options are just as mind-boggling. You can build your AC from the ground up, choosing from a vast array of weapons, armor, and internal components. There are endless combinations to try, and it's a blast experimenting with different builds to find the perfect one for your playstyle.

The story is surprisingly compelling, too. It's a bit of a slow burn at first, but it gradually builds to a crescendo of epic battles and emotional reveals.