Ok. Story to vague, game too open, the dungeons werent really dungeons and were just tons of puzzles scattered about with the gift of a seed. Bit dull.

Was fun but needed a playthrough guide coz in classic on game fashion it was hard to navigate and had not very much story to follow

Really enjoyed playing through this with my gf

Great time waste, love footy, love this

Improved on the first in game play, story was a bit jank but otherwise great

So dope, loved this game, took AC and made it kill Orcs

Nostalgia playing firefight with the boys

Controversially the best Halo, best gun play, sorry lol

Great game for the time, enjoyed the story

Really enjoyed watching my mate play this and discussing it with him but couldn't get into playing it alone.

I can appreciate why people would like this game but it really isn't for me. I don't like the combat and the way the lore is delivered subtly rather than having an actual character driven story.