Insomniac have outdone themselves here and have created probably their best first party Playstation game to date.

Spiderman 2 is everything you loved about the original Spiderman and Miles Morales games elevated to a whole new level.

The story and writing here are excellent as the prior 2 games were. The relationships, character interactions, dialogue and character arcs are some of the best in video gaming. Spiderman 2 on a story level can be compared to some of the best Spiderman movies, arguably even better than the best movies. The raw emotion in some of the cutscenes here are unmatched.

You can tell the devs at Insomniac are big fans of Spidey as the level of attention to detail and care put into both Peter and Miles' character are some of the best we've seen. There is also so much here for Spidey fans in regards to references/callbacks.

The gameplay is the same great stuff that worked in the first 2 games, now with just better animation. Swinging is even more fun with the addition of the Web wings. It honestly makes it hard to go back to prior Spidey games without the wings. Combat is more of the same too, just with a couple new gadgets and abilities.

The most impressive thing about Spiderman 2 is that it happens to be an open world game, yet every mission here has the same effort that would be put into a linear single player game like a Naughty Dog game for example. Think of a setpiece like the Plane chapter in Uncharted 3. In Spiderman 2, every single mission has some sort of setpiece that is even more impressive than that Plane chapter. And I don't just mean main story missions either. All the side content here has the same effort the team put into the main missions.

From beginning to end, Spiderman 2 presented a fresh idea at every moment and never got stale. For the whole ride I had a smile on my face.

Insomniac have now taken the mantle of Sony's star developer and I cannot wait to see what they will do with their next game, Wolverine, who also happens to be my favourite superhero.

The Spiderman game we've always dreamed of as a kid is finally here.

Just replayed this in preparation for Ragnarok. As a fan of the franchise who grew up with all the games on release date (admittedly at an age I shouldn't have), I've always had mixed feelings about GOW 2018.

I know objectively this is the best game in the franchise, the best Kratos, the best story however as a fan it took me a while to adjust to this new style. Funnily enough, that is the big theme of this game. Moving on from the past, and accepting the future. When I first picked this game up, I kinda felt betrayed as a fan.

The gameplay was slow and stiff. For some reason they put an over the shoulder camera in an action game. There was no mention of Kratos' past, almost as if Sony/Santa Monica didn't care about that and wanted us to forget to appeal to new fans... And then THAT moment came. I wouldn't spoil it, but if you know THAT moment, it changed my whole perspective of this game. In fact, it made me realize that this game was made for the fans more than anyone else. I started to accept what they were trying to do with Kratos' character and his story. I finally understood the changes in gameplay and started to love it. This was the writer's masterful way of telling the fans they want to do something new with God of War, but to do that the fans need to move on from the past and accept the new future. This was a message only the fans of the previous games would have felt the full extent of while playing this game. Genius.

After replaying this I have accepted that this is definitely my favourite game in the franchise and I look forward to the Sequel.

Most addictive parry system I've ever played in a game. Truly makes you feel like an anime character relentlessly deflecting hits with their sword. Hardest of the fromsoft games but also the most satisfying. World and lore are great and there is so much content here. Not a fan that the game punishes you for repeatedly dying on bosses, as it makes the game much more stressful than it needs to be, but other than that it's a masterpiece.

Better than the first game in every aspect other than story. Don't get me wrong I still loved this story however while I liked Abby's character, I didn't care for her friends or acquaintances which made her part of the game a bit of a slog story-wise. Other than that, one of the best action survival games I have ever played. Naughty dog outdid themselves with this one. Top notch gameplay, top-notch presentation. If there's any game that really pushed the PS4 generation to it's limits, it's this one.

In the midyear drought of new games, I decided to actually go back into my backlog and complete some stuff.

Now here's a bit of a shameful secret of mine, despite BOTW being one of my favourite games of all time, I've never actually finished any other Zelda games besides Twilight Princess. Ocarina of Time being THE Zelda game, I decided to complete this one first as I officially started my Zelda Marathon.

My history OOT is a brief one. I picked it up as a kid, played to the point of getting to Adult Link, saw a re dead and dropped the game because I was too chicken to continue playing.

I started playing the N64 version on my switch however the 20fps and extremely slow crawling text was making me lose my mind. After hearing the 3ds version fixed all those issues, I played that version instead.

People are definitely right about OOT being THE Zelda game as it has everything you would expect from a Zelda game without any gimmicks that newer Zelda games tend to have. An 8 dungeon romp with a nice little open world with enough puzzles and secrets to keep you entertained for hours and hours. It was quite a masterpiece back then and still is today.

The story of this game is pretty basic, evil man wants the ultimate power to rule the world and you're the chosen hero to stop him. However the strength is not in the story but the world of Hyrule, which the way this is executed continues to make this game a masterpiece to this day. The way how you spend the first half of this game as a child exploring all of Hyrule, meeting characters all over the world and learning about their lives through side quests, and then travelling 7 years into the future after Ganondorf has taken over Hyrule and seeing how this has affected all the character's lives you have met 7 years later is so immersive and masterful.

The gameplay is also fun. The combat isn't anything to write home about however the puzzles and exploration in this game are still unmatched. Dungeons are self explanatory; a series of rooms full of puzzles you need to solve with the items you have acquired throughout the game, which are absolutely so fun to solve and I believe is the core of OOT.

The exploration is Mwah chefs kiss. There is no feeling more rewarding than exploring an open world, seeing a place you can't get to, and then coming back to that place once you realise you have the item to help you get there, only to be rewarded with a new item, or heart piece. This satisfaction of exploration definitely scratches my metroidvania itch.

OOT is a great solid masterpiece that I can recommend to anyone. The N64 version on the Switch is still playable if you don't care about framerate and slow crawling text, however I recommend picking up the 3ds version if you can. I also implore Nintendo to port the 3ds version of this game and Majora's Mask to the switch. I would pay the full $99 for that.

I will give this game a 5/5 the moment it gets a 60fps patch or PC/PS5 port. #FreeBloodborneFromIts30FPSJail

"Ultimate" is a subtitle that is very well deserved. Hands down the best roster in any fighting game and will probably never be beaten in many years. If you've ever played a video, there is 100% a character in here that you love. The gameplay is the most balanced and satisfying of any smash game. There is so much detail, care and passion put into each IP represented here. A gaming hall of fame if you will.

This game is very special to me, being the first game I ever experienced hype for it's release and also the first game I've ever preordered in anticipation for. To top that all off, it exceeded my expectations when it did finally release. No other game has provided me with an experience like that ever again. Some have come close.

With Kingdom Hearts 1 being one of the most magical experiences I've had playing for the first time as a kid, I only had high expectations for the sequel. And in a rare case for video games it actually delivered.

This is everything a sequel should be. The gameplay improved immensely. The story using its pre established characters and plot to make something even bigger. The world and lore expanded. The music having more meaning. Almost everything has been improved.

The only downside (and I wouldn't call this an objective downside) is that you need to have played the other 2 games to understand anything that's happened in this game.

The first game is still my personal favourite of the series, however this is objectively the best one.

A game with so much potential bogged down by it's fun but repetitive gameplay and generic open world. Maybe it was playing this game right after Elden Ring which was a breath of fresh air for the open world forumla, I was disappointed when I opened the map and it was littered with Ubisoft-like objectives.

Despite the disappointing open world formula, the open world of Tokyo is one of the most detailed gorgeous open worlds modeled in a video game. Not a bad Tokyo sightseeing game. Besides sightseeing, the map doesn't offer much besides collecting and killing stuff (and the occasional yakuza-like shopping) The other most impressive part of this game is the combat.

The best way to describe it would be a first person Dr Strange simulator. From beginning to end, the aesthetics of the combat always felt so satisfying and punchy with its beautiful visual/particle effects and weight thanks to the dualsense controller. However even with all this, unfortunately the combat is not deep and always comes down to 'charge, shoot, charge, shoot' until the enemy is dead. Keep note that was also being played on Hard mode.

Perhaps the fact that you had different types of magic which corresponded with different elements made me expect that different types of enemies would have certain weaknesses to these elements, but nonetheless all the enemies react the same no matter which type of magic you're using.

Finally the story felt like somewhat of an afterthought, then again Story has always been the weakest point of Tango Gameworks' games. As a huge Shinji Mikami fan, this was one of my most anticipated games, however after finally getting my hands on this I felt like I was being teased with what could've been one of my favourite games if it was more of a Japanese skinned Resident Evil game (which is what I think most people were thinking this game was going to be when it was first announced?). Fortunately this game was short so it ended just before I was starting to get bored. I can definitely see a lot of potential with a sequel as all the ideas are there, just executed poorly.

I hate lazy mobile gatcha pay 2 win games and what's offensive is that this game probably has the most important lore in the whole series

The first game to ever give me a headache

I hate this weeb-ass creep artstyle, but I'll be damned if this isn't one of the funnest metroidvanias I've ever played. The very defenition of guilty pleasure.

Came for the amazing pixel art and was not disappointed. Maybe my favourite artstyle of any game. The game itself is fun but there's a lot to be desired

The game that killed Square Enix's Western divisions via greedy live service/loot box practice. Under all the corporate money sapping crap, there is a potentially good game somewhere under there. The combat was really fun and what was there of the story was pretty solid, but again these things were pretty much overshadowed by some really bad decisions by the top heads.

Fun little game. Love the theme song.