First MOBA I've ever gotten into. It's like LoL-lite. Pretty fun and I found myself addicted for a month or two however after time this game starts to become infuriating so it's good to take breaks. Also game is micro transaction heavy. You can still play without paying but if you want to access most of the features like the characters, you'll need to play daily for months. Also big downside are the bot games. There are too many of them and need to be tuned down.

The fact that this is absolutely one of the worst performing games I've ever played, yet some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game shows the true potential of this franchise. If this game was a solid 30fps and polished, it would an easy 10/10 for me. I haven't played a Pokemon game properly since Gen 4, which was one of my favourites, however I tried played every gen after that and just could not get very far. Scarlet/Violet drastically changes the Pokemon formula to what my dream Pokemon game would be. An 'open world run around with your Pokemon and take on any challenge in any order with no restrictions' kind of game. This is the breath of the wild of Pokemon. In terms of game design, it's a masterpiece. In terms of game fidelity and performance it's absolute trash. I'm astonished that one of the biggest franchises in the world can release something in such and embarrassing state. Yet the fact it I still had so much fun with it shows the true potential of what this franchise can be.

Sonic Team were so close to making a great Sonic game in a very long time. Sonic controls the best he ever has and the cyberspace levels are very fun. Bosses are also great. Other than that, the game is really boring and uninspired with its generic open world. The story is very meh and the game is so buggy for what is meant to be a AAA title. Sonic Team have the formula down for the great Sonic game here. It's just the execution that was bad. If they stay with this formula for the next game and improve on all their shortcomings, there is potential for an amazing Sonic game.

Ragnarok takes all the issues I had with 2018 and fixes them here, making this a near perfect game. As a lifelong God of war fan this game respects fans of the older titles as well as 2018. Easily in my top 5 games of all time. Went straight for the platinum. Every now and then a title like this will remind me why I love videogames. (Now hurry up Santa Monica studio and add New Game + so I can play this again with all my gear).

This game was so close to being good. It basically fixed all the gameplay issues from the previous game, polished it up and gunplay is smooth as fuck. But they really really had to drop the ball on this and make this a live servicey looter shooter with proceedurley generated maps, rather than the handcrafted design DOOM-like maps of the previous game making this game more of a chore to play.

Compared to Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 is more of a journey of finding who you are rather than a search of acceptance, in both the gameplay and narrative sense. Just as much of a horror masterpiece as Silent Hill 2. Only caveats are that I'm not a fan of the reused location from Silent Hill 2 as well as the enemies being much more annoying in this game. This is also a direct sequel to Silent Hill 1 so I recommend playing that first.

If you really like Ico and Journey, The Pathless is like a marriage between the two. Beautiful visuals, soundtrack and entertaining yet relaxing gameplay.

I did not expect to like this game this much. If you are a lover of music I highly recommend this game. It's basically an action game (boss rush) with rhythm game elements attached to it. NSR has so much heart and soul put into it by the devs. Although two big issues which bring this game down for me is that this game is very buggy and janky (perhaps it due to being low budget and inexperienced devs) as well as the fact that the gameplay can be very mediocre at times. But the mix of music and gameplay here make this an amazing experience at times. The lows are very low but the highs are extremely high. I recommend playing this game for experiencing those highs. I believe a sequel with a higher budget and a lot of gameplay refinements can be a 10/10 for me. Definitely play this with headphones.


A must play experience if you enjoyed Journey. This game is basically an underwater version of Journey. Music is beautiful and swimming animations and controls are some of the smoothest I've ever felt in a game.

Go into this game expecting an experience and you get a mastrrpiece. Go into it expecting a video game and you get something good but just finishes as it starts.

Journey is something you put on when you want to wind down and relax as you play through some of the most gorgeous artistic environments, while listening to beautiful orchestrated music.

As a fan of survival horror, I came to this game pretty late. The announcement of the remake is what led me to finally play this and wow just what a wild ride.

While I do agree with most others this is a masterpiece, this isn't a 10 (personally) as the voice acting is pretty bad and took me out of being immersed a few times in the game and made me laugh in what was meant to be serious moments. And while I usually put aside bad voice acting as a flaw, I do believe it is an important factor in horror games as you're meant to feel as immersed as possible to get the maximum fear factor.

Otherwise, I have nothing but praise for this game. Does everything a survival horror should. Even the puzzles are challenging but not cryptic.

I like to compare this game to something made by A24, where after you're done with it, it stays in your mind for a long time and you YouTube search explanations had hidden meanings behind the things that were presented.

My only regret is that I wish I played this on hard. I found the game quite easy on normal and beat the game with like 200 rounds of ammo for my pistol and shotgun. I didn't really feel the scarcity of ammo in this game.

This is basically Super Mario 3D World with Crash Bandicoot-like level design. Had so much fun with this game from beginning to end and collecting all the dreamer orbs added to the challenge of what would have been a fairly easy platformer. While fun, this game doesn't do anything new or ground breaking and just takes inspiration from great linear platfomers.

Adding a level creator to this game, in Little Big Planet fashion, would have made this an instant 10/10 for me. As someone who grew up with LBP 1 and 2, it would've been a dream come true to just have a 3D platformer version of those games. But alas, there are a few references to the older games which hit my nostalgia hard.

This game starts off with a lot of promise. You can definitely see the increase in budget from the first game, however you quickly realise that this isn't just a straight sequel to Ty 1, it's a different type of game.

The best way to describe the change is that's like going from Jak and Daxter to Jak 2 (I.e a collectathon platformer to an open world mission based game), which isn't necessarily a bad thing, in fact I like Jak 2 more than Jak 1 however Ty 2 doesn't execute this transition well.

It plays exactly like the first game while not actually giving the tools to adapt to its new structure, making the game very tedious.

While in it's open world, Ty 2 has all the Australian charm the first game had, however it quickly loses that charm in the linear levels this game now has, as opposed to open levels from the first game due to the fact that there is a bigger open world.

The first game is still my favourite, however Ty 2 is an okay follow up with some missed potential.

Basically if DOOM (2016) was set in Japan. Combat is so much fun but the story and humor bring this down a bit. Jokes that are completely unfunny and a story that is so predictable and typical, something DOOM benefited from by keeping it's mouth shut. Although from a purely gameplay standpoint this is great, however a little outdated in design as this came out in a time where area shooters were just making a comeback and were still figuring out how they'd fit into this decade (before DOOM 2016 perfected it)

Starting with the positive, this game's story is very compelling and is not worth spoiling. It's a very twin peaks/twilight zone vibe kind of game.

Having said that, Alan Wake had the setting and premise to be something amazing, however I was immensely disappointed by everything that was not the story.

The biggest issue of this game is the gameplay. It is what I like to call a peak gen 7 game (360/ps3 era) where every game at the time wanted to be a linear corridor shooter.

Alan Wake's gameplay is pretty much call of duty but in 3rd person with a gimmick where you need to flash your torch at an enemy before you shoot them. That's it. That's all you're doing the whole game, no exploring, no puzzles, no interesting set pieces, just going in a linear path shooting the same enemy types over and over again going from checkpoint to checkpoint.

The only thing that kept me playing was the compelling story behind it all, but the gameplay really made this hard to digest. I also have nothing against corridor shooting if the shooting mechanics are fun, but this game was more frustrating than fun.

I really hope the sequel changes this because I really do like the world of Alan Wake and it is a game with a lot of potential.