Katamari Damacy but bigger and better! Everyone should experience this unique title at least once.

This is basically a Bomberman version of Link's Awakening but with more of a focus on the action and my god how did this fly under my radar. Not a long game, can be finished in about 6 hours and it's fun the whole way through. They managed to get a perfect balance between challenge and reward. Wish they made more like this.


While I'm sure Turok was a great console FPS back in the day, today it's more of a novelty game. It plays like Quake without as much kick. The draw here is that some of the enemies are dinosaurs, which is cool but 80% of the time you'll be fighting human-ish enemies. The level design is pretty frustrating, some of the levels here take a whole hour to complete, and sometimes you can miss a collectable that is needed to progress the story since some of them are hidden while others are in obvious locations, so if you do miss a collectable you'll need to start the whole level again. I still had fun in some areas and I enjoyed the setting for this game.

Like a combination of classic marbles and pilotwings with a vibey pastel aesthetic set to Japanese citypop. Play this game purely for the uplifting vibes. It has a Katamari type feel to it. Not as engaging for singleplayer. Better for multiplayer.

I'm so disappointed with Weird West in the sense that I was really looking forward to playing this for a long time, and when I finally did, it was so underwhelming. Immersive sims being one of my favourite genres had this in my backlog for a while waiting for a perfect time to play around a time where there are no major releases so I could immerse myself and sync many many hours into this world. The first 6 hours (that being the first 2 chapters) were pure joy. It had almost most of the things I was looking for in an immsim. A sandbox with many intractables, multiple ways to resolve problems and many ways to play. I was willing to forgive the (ironically) unimmersive isometric-ish camera and janky unsatisfying combat for everything else. The first 6 hours was a solid 8/10, but as the game goes on the cracks start to show. By the time I got to chapter 3, my enjoyment was rapidly dropping. All the cities, towns, dungeons etc were copied and pasted and I mean exact carbon copy. You will be going through the "different" dungeons with the exact same layout multiple times. The fact that you also have to switch to a different character and build yourself up all over again really affected the Immersiveness of this game, and just made it really frustrating. It also limited the way you could play since you were forced to use whatever special characteristics each character had. The story is straight up uninteresting and becomes a slog due to the fact that there's no voice acting in a dialogue heavy game. Towards the last 10 hours of the game I was just beelining it to the end. And the ending just left an awful taste in my mouth. F I'm trusting these devs to learn their lessons from Weird West and make something great in the future. There was a lot of potential here.

First of all I will start off by saying BOTW is one of my favourite games of all time. And with TOTK basically being BOTW times ten, it is easily my new favourite game of all time. I am still in shock with how this game even exists. In an era where we have PS5, XSX and the RTX 4000 series, TOTK accomplishes technical marvels I've never seen on a current gen power machine, and all on a 2017 tablet. As someone who loves physics sandboxes, emergent gameplay and immersive sims, as well as being a massive fan of the Zelda franchise, this game is a dream come true for me as it as a marriage of all those things. The new building mechanic brings so much more depth and options for solutions to a game that already had deep and complex systems. There are so many ways you can choose to play this game and get through it. How you want to have fun here is completely up to you. TOTK takes my two biggest complaints from BOTW, that being the world feeling kind of empty and the dungeons all having the same theme, and straight up just fixes them. Hyrule, despite being literally the same map from BOTW, actually feels now as it is populated with NPCs, quests, caves and hidden areas to explore. It is a miracle they used the same map and somehow made me want to explore every single inch all over again. I am also so happy to see elemental themed dungeons again with bosses that are actually fun and unique, who are also based off previous bosses in the franchise. I've almost 100%ed this game and I'm still hungry for more. I'd love DLC that gives us an epilogue with an extra dungeon, and a Master Quest so I can experience this all over again with an extra challenge. Maybe even a rougelite mode that allows for endless play. I just need more of this. TOTK makes BOTW feel like a Tech demo, and while BOTW is still a 10 to me, TOTK somehow just raised the bar so much. This is the type of game we'll see once a decade.

Fixes almost all the issues I had with the first game, mainly the time limit. I can see why this is a masterpiece to some people. Really love it! The caves (dungeons) which is a system that wasn't in the first game is something I'm not too fond of and some of the later ones can be straight up unfair and require some trial and error. There's also some really strange decisions game design wise. Still had a lot of fun with this and I will revisit to 100% it.

A super unique premise for a video game which has a lot of potential with this kind of gameplay system. While I still enjoyed the creativity of this game, the time limit needed to finish this game can make this quite stressful for a first playthrough. It barley gives you enough time to experiment and make errors, resulting in a lot of save reloads over and over again until you get a good run. The controls and commanding the pikmin can also be quite frustrating too. I know these issues get addressed in the sequels so I look forward to playing those. For now Pikmin 1 is a solid start with a lot of potential.

Basically Nintendo's PG rated Resident Evil. Create from start to finish and also short and sweet. S Each unique ghost has a specific way of capturing them and the puzzles are to figure out how to capture them in the first place. The combat of trying to suck in ghosts with the Vaccum is super fun as you struggle trying to suck them in. The controls aren't the best and I'm sure are refined in the sequels, but you can get used to them. PSA. Vaccums are the most underrated weapons/tools in video games and I'm glad it's the star of the show here

A sequel well worthy of the original Crash trilogy. It does everything the originals do and more. Takes the existing gameplay and tightens it up while adding more features, more playable characters, more set pieces and scenarios, exciting level design... And ZERO vehicle missions (a blessing), and the most amazing callbacks long time crash fans could ask for. The only major flaw is trying to 100% this game is not fun at all. It's jam packed full of challenging content which sounds nice but is actually tedious to complete due to the ridiculous requirements needed to get everything. This is a downside since the original trilogy are some of the funnest games to 100% and do complete them every time I replay them. Unless you want to pull your hair out, I suggest just enjoying the game for what it is.

Bulletstorm has extremely fun and robust gameplay with a lot of potential bogged down by the typical quirks you see in a 7th gen FPS. I had so much fun flinging and kicking enemies into hazards and seeing my points go up. However the campaign is just another shallow call of duty hallway shooter where you go from point A to B in a straight line with no room for explorarion or experimentation. The campaign is only 8 hours long and when you're done with it, there's really nothing else to do. The writing and story is also very 2009 GAMER if you know what I mean. To note, I played the new version of the game where it replaces the main character with Duke Nukem and makes the dialogue 100% funnier. The story is exactly the same but Duke is just himself in the main character's position and has no idea why he's in this game. One of the funnest premesis I've seen in a video game. That alone brings it up from a 6 to a 7.

A 3D platformer which works fine but feels basic and lacks any charm. Kinda feels like if AI made a 3D platformer. It's good but uninspired.

A beast of a build engine game. Environmental art is amazing, gunplay is so satisfying, level design is large and creative. Feels like a successor to Duke Nukem 3D. It's just kind of missing the charm of Duke Nukem.


When you mix 2D Zelda with The Outer Wilds (or half minute hero) you get Minit. Lots of fun for a quick game you can beat in an hour or two. Artstyle is very simple. Get it on sale.

Cuphead is a boss rush game that is hard but insanely addicting. I've never felt more satisfied beating bosses in my life. Huge props to the artists of this game as everything is hand drawn and animated to emulate the rubber hose animation style of the early 1900s. Love it!