I'm rating this pretty high, not because the game is somehow a hidden gem or anything. I just have fond memories of me and my sister sitting down in the living room and waching my dad play through it on a higher difficulty than we could. Good times.

Yes tripping sucks but that doesn't matter because Solid Snake is in this game

Now this is what I'm talking about. This games got the juice I've been missing from this devs recent attempts. Being able to fight back against the monster, even a little bit, adds so much. A simple premise is elevated by great execution

It's mario. Aged kinda poorly control wise

Subject to change but this really is the best fighting game in years

Weirdly a more consistent video game than the phantom pain

Really love the dichotomy between silent hill 2 and its survival horror contemporaries. Every Resident Evil protagonist is super hot, earnest, and cool, whereas James Sunderland is the most pathetic man to ever live

Undertale is really good. Crazy opinion, I know. Its music in particular is really nice, crazier opinion

It's a collectathon that I actually completed. Unless it's mario, that's rare

Shit was not scary. Only really remember one section where a monster showed up

It's really good. Played it on ps5 and had very few issues, but I hear enough horror stories from other players on different platforms that this game should have been delayed for several months at the very least

Yeah people weren't lying. Thats the best ending in the series

This shit ran like a dream on the shittiest, tiniest, laptop I could find. I'm talking this thing had windows Vista installed on it