I love Zagreus and also meg and also dusa and also thanatos and also nyx and also Artemis and also

The mary Jane missions kill replays tbh

More video games should do that thing where a cool vocal theme kicks in when you fight the boss

You can accidentally make your character so pathetic that he dies of a heart attack when someone makes fun of him

The robot game made me really sad

Best game valve ever made and it isn't close

I have a lot more 5/5s than I realized

Was fun for a time, but is well past relevancy

Some of the original tracks are way better than the licensed tracks. Which is crazy

The first bad game I ever played. It's got a place in my heart

Was huge in 2013. It's shown it's age since then

The worst I can say about it is that it isnt Portal 2

Dad of boy is good, I don't really have any unique thoughts on it