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The Last of Us Part II completely hinges on the audience being able to empathize with the killer of the main protagonist of the first game. On the basis alone, this is no easy feat, but I do not think it is entirely impossible. However, the game simply fails into making us empathize with Abby because Abby simply does not seem to regret her action to kill Joel. The game’s message is that vengeance will destroy you. But, I don't know if this is by coincidence, but I find the fact that the main writer of this game is Israeli and that he based this revenge story on his experiences there actually quite fitting, because there is quite a double standard in how much one side suffers versus how the other does when they do indulge in vengeance. Abby has her vengeance, and then betrays her faction, the faction that went along with her on her revenge quest, for some kid she met two days ago, which fair enough she saved her life, but does that outweigh your entire community which has protected you for years at this point? Abby never ever expresses any regret over killing not only Joel, but many people that she knew. You killing the wolves in that section near the end of the game does not affect Abby in the slightest. Abby only feels bad for her dog and Owen. She stops herself from killing Dina only not to lose face in front of Lev. In contrast, Ellie does clearly show guilt after killing Nora and Mel. Ellie also does not go through with her vengeance in the end, in fact, all in all, she ends up saving Abby. But even so, she loses everything, while Abby gets to continue living with Lev, badly damaged indeed, but not alone. Ellie ends up alone, which is what she explicitly stated she was afraid of ending up as in TLOU1. I wouldn’t even mind this, if Ellie actually killed Abby.

I feel like for all the game flaws, the inability to make us like Abby, the wokeshit, the drawn out pace and filler content, this game would at least on some level work due to his simple message of Revenge Bad. But Ellie doesn't get revenge, she breaks the cycle, yet is still punished for it. Kind of like what always happens when Palestine signs peace deals.

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The characters, themes and story are so well written I don't even mind the usually not my type puzzle maxe type gameplay. It's that good.

It has a doge in one of the endings

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Fighting is good, core gameplay incredibly solid.

With that out of the way. This game is a complete mess, bordering on being a live service with an online only krypt. And the story is retarded, even by fighting game story mode standards. I can't believe they rebooted the timeline for the second time just 2 games after rebooting. Having the story not even finished and only completed on a dlc pack. And an unclear conclusion that leaves a lot to be desired.

The trendsetter and template for most future Zelda games, it still holds up 30 years later. A must play.

It's a game with a lot of heart. But also a lot of flaws. While it stands very tall amongst video games as a whole, it just cannot shake the feeling of being one of the weakest links in a legendary series.

The story, dungeons and character driven sidequests were all a lot of fun, and the game as a whole is very well written. However it drags its feet along the ground making a lot of tedious filler content mandatory to beat the game, it's simply too long and it shows. Retraversing the same areas over and over eccentuates this issue. And the mandatory motion controls in the initial release were just the tip of the iceberg.

Play it if you love Zelda, i love Zelda, so I got a lot of enjoyment out of it. But if you're not a fan and want to check this legendary series out. Basically every other game in the mainline series is a better choice, that dosent mean this one is the worst, just that it isnt beginner friendly at all.

Groundbreaking FPS that has aged in a few places but still feels very fresh to this day. As someone who just got into this game now, 20 years later, I can safely say it holds up.

Mega Man 4 continues the series in a solid but fairly stale manner. There isn't much to write home about, positively or negativly

Donkey Kong Country is a solid platformer but I can't say its a game I highly reccomand going back to. It suffers heavily from first game syndrome and there isn't a lot going on here beyond it's stellar presentation for the time. I'd get that you'd love this game if you grew up with it, but as someone who just tried it out, I can't say I was impressed.

Beyond being a cheap game boy knockoff, this was awful and unplayable.

Actually a nice effort for a portable game. The music is great

I tried, but, this is just, not fun. I respect what the game tried to do at the time but nowadays, its just an obsolete replica. A template for better games to come. It aged terribly, its a typical early rpg grindfest that controle awfully. I do not reccomand

This game controls so terribly I couldnt even get past the first stage. Most I can give it is that it's spawned some fun jokes, but look them up on youtube, don't experience them yourself

You have to unlock Mario.

This game is functionally solid but it's really weird. You have to have to start the game off with weird ocs that don't belong. You're better off playing Toadstool Tour. It's as good mechanically but more.....grounded

Super solid racer with a killer soundtrack