I'm already not huge on arcade-style games but this one controls especially horribly. Not worth revisiting unless you're a big Nintendo fan.

The controls are very, VERY awkward to get used to, but if you can manage your way past that you'll get a game with some of the best writing of any I've ever played and a pretty fun gameplay loop as well.

Nothing special. The game just putting you through battle after battle without any rhyme or reason makes it pretty boring on paper but some of the challenges that go with each colosseum can be a fine enough change of pace.

If you want to play Pokemon I don't think any entry will disappoint you. This game has zero reason to exist over the originals though. If you're a Pokemon fan you should avoid this one since it's just a worse version of an existing entry. Remakes should try to be better than the originals, not just to reintroduce them to a modern audience.

Don't want to be too harsh on it but this game isn't worth looking at if you haven't played it yet. Level curves are ridiculous, story is stupid and there's just nothing to give it an edge over mainline or even plenty of the other fangames out there.

Genuinely amazing spin on the Pokemon formula. The difficulty is just right and it actually makes you think about what you're doing instead of mindlessly clicking A as whatever Pokemon you're using's strongest move tears down the whole game. Each individual run takes too long for my liking though.

By far the most unique main series games so far. Being able to avoid most trainers and just go out and catch overleveled wild Pokemon or do raids fixes my issue with the gameplay loop being too repetitive, and it's been a long time since I've been gripped as much by a game as this one's ending sequence in Area Zero. I've never felt so scammed buying a video game though. This game is way too broken and unpolished to be worth 60 dollars and it kind of ruined the experience for me. Competitive balancing was done horribly too.

If you want to play Pokemon I don't think any entry will disappoint you. Plot evolves in a very natural way from BW1, reintroducing older Pokemon is great and the PWT is fantastic. I wouldn't blame anyone for saying this is their favorite Pokemon game.

I have a personal hatred for over-the-top gimmicks in video games and that's all this is. If you want to play a Mega Man game then you won't get that from this because you'll just be playing a snowboarding level or going through a stupid maze or doing a pointless puzzle or something.

Brutally difficult and not in a way that feels fair. There's a masochistic side of me that enjoys it for that though, and the weapons are all really cool. If you play the game with Bass please do yourself a favor and let yourself play with the bosses' weaknesses because it takes a full minute to beat them at minimum otherwise.

In my opinion, the best classic series game. The only problem is that the game design will deliberately to things to kill you when you don't know they're there rather than giving you any chance to react or deal with it, but even then I understand that because this was a "return to form" and most people think of Mega Man as the kind of game that did that. Level design is otherwise fantastic, the enemies are really fun, the boss fights are the best in the series, the music is great, and this is the best set of weapons the series has ever given us. The endless mode existing is just icing on the cake.

I don't think it's as good as Mega Man 9 but it's not big enough of a difference for me to care. It technically is even more polished but the level design is worse and a handful of the boss fights suck. They focused on making the weapons just fun to use instead of making them all practical and I think it worked out wonderfully. Also has an endless mode that you could argue is better than 9's.

Your more modern Mega Man game. The shop is especially broken in this one and it's a bit short but that's about it. The stages all were really fun and the bosses and minibosses were pretty good too for the most part. The Double Gear system is a great way to get people acquainted with the more difficult gameplay while also not being super intrusive for people who don't use it.

Much more boring than other Mario Karts. Mario Kart Wii has Chain Wheelies, Mario Kart DS has snaking, this has nothing. You just hold A and drift when you hit a turn. The new and recently-returning items are all horrible for the game and its mechanics feel more limiting outside of hopping giving you crazy turning which is fun. The two saving graces to this are 200cc and customizable items. No, I don't think having 96 tracks saves it when you're never playing all 32 tracks in one sitting in any other Mario Kart game as is, not to mention how some of them do not fit in with the base tracks artistically at all.

There's nothing too special about this one to me. If there's one thing, the track selection here overall is better than any other game in the series although anything from DS onward is good enough for me to not care. Glider mechanics are pretty fun but driving underwater feels horrible.