crazy how this didn't win goty

I didn't want to do this,I love pikmin,but this game. The amount of shit that happened to me, bothers me to no end. First lets talk pikmin,red pikmin are eh,yellow pikmin have only one use,and blues are the best ones. The ai.... IS SHIT. I can't tell you have many times they'll do their own thing and get killed in the process. They are terrible at getting across certain things/doing tasks. The music is very atmospheric. Although some of the puzzles I felt were pretty annoying(final trial cough cough) Speaking of areas it's kinda bland. Really only 2 are good. 2 of them aren't really ''areas''. The final boss is ass tho,not very fun to fun to fight and very tedious. Also lasts for longer than it should. I love pikmin,but this didn't do it for me

I don't personally know how to feel about persona 5 as a whole. There are parts where is feels forwards and backwards at the same time,I don't know how to explain it personally. It's too much to get a review out that hasn't been done before. It's a game I go back and fourth on,I love it,but also sometimes don't. Presentation, combat; it has it all. Sometimes I think am I enjoying this game on purpose, or do I secretly love it. I can't decide

''Omg you have mario sunshine 1.5???'' Yea I did, I'm sorry, but the controls are so fucking clunky, it's not even funny. Playing this game felt like a chore, sure the music is pretty catchy, but it's eh. Most shines just felt like they're meant to piss you off. I felt disappointment ,I'm very sad about this. The controls held me back honestly,I'm sorry. Also the level design is pretty basic,only level I liked was the carnival section. Just play mario galaxy

After the release of Super Mario World, the Mario franchise went dormant for a single console generation. There were nearly 6 years without a single new game. While I don't find an issue with this - I don't necessarily think franchises need to be alive - it definitely made returning to the property later down the line more difficult. Where do you go from Super Mario World, one of the most beloved games of all time?

Mario Bros bifurcated in 1996, two titles releasing on the same day. One propelled the franchise further into greater heights, and one allowed it to stagnate, intending on making ''Super Mario Bros'' again.

64 is ''Super Mario Bros again''. The overarching thematic narrative of the Mario franchise is ignored here, a game sandwiched between Super Mario Bros 1 and 2 to tell a story that is largely irrelevant. With regards to canon, I don't care whether or not this game is a part of the "main story". What I do care about is that it is the beginning of Super Mario as franchise, a narrative created outside of the risky thematic confines of the series thus far to make it easier to make more games. How do we make more Mario games? We make Super Mario Bros again, but this time in 3D.

Mario once again has to defeat the Koopas and grow more powerful and satisfying over the course of the journey. Mario once again slaughters all that get in his way.Mario once again commits atrocities in the name of the Federation.

I played this with a friend a while back. This has to be the most fun two player game i've ever played. I don't think anything can top this,I can see why this game gets so much praise. If you have a friend or family member,you need to play this

anyone remember the mr increible gassy scene where he was all uncanny and such?

god axel is so fucking thicc omg

this is like system shock and portal,but actually good

Holy shit is that pedophiles youtuber? They should've added dream smh I love dream 4ever I sparkle skydoes mincearct rahaaah

God I want igor to play all over me

I laughed so hard when ruben died. I wish I was there so I can eat his dead corpse