notice how this is 3.5 yea minecraft story mode sweep I want gabrield to make out with me in bed

This has better story telling than shadow of the colossus

I used to watch minceracft story mode hot roleplay and I tihnk the jesse guy is rattoullie

God me and stinger flynn had awsome sex last night,thanks for car ride home stinger

Short Sweet easy game,nothing else really besides the very nice looking artstyle. Also easy plat

Blissful is one is the most beautiful songs i've heard in a video game. Easily in my top 5 favorite sounds pieces,not even kidding it's that good. Also the fact that your color changes the tempo of the music is such a cool detail. This isn't about the game,but the music is absolutely incredible. So underrated.

good game about the teaching of kidnapping children

the thought of having sex with jumbo josh,is just

who the fuck gave this one star smh,garden of banban 2 sweep bird up better than poosonna 5 and devil trigger saga

I feel like this is a game you either think is good or ok or just downright bad. Personally I think it's ok,this won't be a long in-depth review. Now the direction this game wants to take is very weird,honestly feels like development was very mixed matched. There is a lot to be desire all and all,but idk. Looking back on the clown trap video compared to now makes me feel a bit disappointed. The opening is a star contrast from the rest. Was honestly hoping for more of that and less of stuff that is just there. It's hard to explain. This game feels more of a concept than an actual game to me. Although it's ok as far as first game goes. I think I just need to process a bit more really about it.

Intricate, complex spaces where you are the only God. Mario's continued path of slaughter is now in conflict with his privileged "moment of conscience" he was allowed in the last game. Mario's perspective contrasts deeply with a rehearsal of his first mission, but instead of approaching it from a different angle, he chooses culling yet again. Once more, he destroys ecosystems for simply being in his way. Once more, he commits the colonial atrocities that he condemns the koopas for.
What's most disturbing about all of this, though, is that he is no longer seen as the brutal and grotesque machine of the state as he was before. His actions are framed as powerful and vindicating, as if he's carving a path for the better of everyone in spite of his clinging to his ideology of totalitarian violence. This violence is no longer critiqued, but exonerated. The fascist King Koopa versus the fascist koopas once more, this time in a manner considered satisfying.
The entertainment Super Mario Bros brings through its cycles of torture are disappointing after the direction Mario Bros took. Mario is now a monster in disguise, playing "hero" for puppeteers greater than him.

some of the best nintendo music they have ever made. To be honest this game is much than the first without the liberal propaganda in it. So glad nintendo made a good game for once.

I don't know why the funniest thing about this is it came out in 2004