You god damn hypocrites. Fuck you so much. I hate all of you. Another masterpiece is gone now thank to you fuckers. GOD. I"M SO FUCKING PISSSEEDDD.

Me: Please don't fuck me in the ass Neighbor
Hello Neighbor: Shut it faggot
many noises are made
Hello Neighbor: Holy shit is that the police? Fuck you bitch, we're through. I hope you burn in hell
Hello neighbor is crucified in Italy and his ass is hung up in the natural history museum

Has a "retard" slur and has a trans joke that goes on for 10 minutes. Straight into the trash but it makes a lot of sense why gamers think this is the best jrpg.

I will never understand a lot of people's hate for difficulty, making it seem like it's pissing off old pikmin fans. I don't get that idea,pikmin 4 has a balance, I know stuff like auto-lock on and no difficulty toggle is annoying. But where you guys in pikmin 3? That game was easy as fuck, at least pikmin 4 has a nice curve later on in the game. I don't understand really, yes ik this game isn't as hard as pikmin 2. Although that's fine I don't see a problem with a game for everyone, if you want hard pikmin play pikmin 2,if you want relaxing pikmin, play 3, if you want moderate pikmin play 1 and 4. I don't see why it needs to be like pikmin 2. I just don't get it

I'll still keep the rating the same,but the more I play I think the less I enjoy pikmin 2. I don't know what it is,everytime I think I know what's ahead I don't. Now wouldn't you say that's good? Yes, but actually no. Listen I just hate the bs in this game, there is a ton of it. If this game didn't have that bs in it and maybe some other issues fixed, then this would be the best game to me. But for me it's my second favorite, right behind pikmin 4.

this game is rated higher than epic mickey 2,fuck you

I'm gonna redo my review,since I think I was too harsh last time. This game isn't as bad as I thought. My main problem still stems from the ai and most puzzles being quie annoying to do,but at the end of the day this is still pikmin. It helped start a great franchise. I do like how nice each pikmin felt in balance compared to other games. Although I think this is the weakest pikmin,that doesn't mean it's a bad game

You know unironically, this game is more relevant than it was back when it was released.

WE NEED TO STOP THE BANBAN HATERS. You guys just don't know how much hard work goes into making backshots for banban and jumbo josh. I'd say we make this the best garten of peakpeak game and deliver it to everyone on the planet. #Respectgartenofbanbanordie We will get more and more sequels cause fack you

OK,ignoring my joke review before this game is pretty good. I do think the game has a bit of jank,but it's not as bad as say sunshine. Overall this is a short, but sweet experience, It's not groundbreaking,but for what it is,it's a nice short and simple game to play when you have to off-chance. Also yes,this is the best out of the 3

do you like playing doom that isn't doom? Well this is the game for you,never have I felt so damn bored in a shooting game. And this is DOOM. One of the most frantic and badass shooters out there,and I feel like I'm playing a game on auto-pilot.

Peak fiction, like generally, best pikmin game

I mean it was def better than the last episode. At least it felt like more of a story,although I can't say that for the rest. The first area is already met with an annoying enemy,which is just great. However I will say traveling in the caves and squashing the bugs was cool. Then you're met with a turret section which feels like padding the runtime.

Next section I hardly remember much besides this cool new enemy,although that's it. I really didn't feel much from this honestly. If episode 3 came out I would honestly feel the same