Made In RPG Maker

A list of games made in RPG Maker that I've played. Surprisingly not that many since I very much vouch for them as a place to go for interesting ideas and concepts, so long as you're fine with most of them being extremely light on gameplay, almost always the same genre(ironically, not a RPG), and kinda wonky(and also usually edgy). It's Art Brute! Also, I haven't played Angels of Death but I did see the anime adaptation.

That's right, UNDERTALE was actually made with GameMaker.

Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
The original RPGmaker game.
Yume 2kki
Yume 2kki
The original fan sequel.
The original EDGY fan sequel.
The original quirky RPG about depression.

not actually about depression... maybe. The story is surreal and vague enough you could interpret it that way, but I take a much more literal approach.
A New Home
A New Home
OFF fangame, I remember it being bad, but I played an earlier version when it was just called "HOME". I just remember the characters being badly written and annoying, the plot being bad, and it generally just being tonally out of sync with the game it's based on. A typical fan game, not one of the good ones. Except, also, the ending was determined by your answer to a random NPC near the end so I didn't get the good ending.

But maybe the newer versions improved it, I'll try it some time especially since the guy who made it died. Rest In Peace.
Touhou A Live
Touhou A Live
It's Live-A-Live, but with Touhou characters. Really good, and the stand in for the Medieval Chapter is greatly expanded being 3 parts long, but the final boss is way too hard.
Ao Oni
Ao Oni
Touhou Mother
Touhou Mother
This game was good not sure why I didn't finish it but I need to. It's EarthBound/Touhou Crossover with EarthBound gameplay, primarily playing as various 2hus.
Mother: Cognitive Dissonance
Mother: Cognitive Dissonance
As far as I know there's no other better version's of THIS fan game. It just sucks, the gameplay's fine but the story is bad fanfiction, it shows promise at first but the new characters kinda suck and this stupid convoluted thing where like Giygas separates into a bad side and good side or some bullshit where the good side looks like NESS, god it's dumb. And WAY too hard.
Space Funeral
Space Funeral
The REAL quirky RPG about depression(Phillip is perpetually sad).
To the Moon
To the Moon
This game is asstastic. Esoteric and obtuse doesn't even begin to describe it's mechanics and design, let alone it's story. Pretentious drivel that's a chore to play, never got very far. The creator is a huge fart huffing douchebag too, treats everyone who has any issue with his game being obnoxious as being stupid and unable to understand art, instead of at least just saying the game is how he wants it and it's just not for them.
Lisa: The First
Lisa: The First
The part with the fucking spiders that warp you back to the start is INFURIATING but other than that it's p good.
Lisa: The Painful
Lisa: The Painful
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Lisa: The Joyful
Lisa: The Joyful
Suits: A Business RPG
Suits: A Business RPG
This is the least funny game I've ever played. You know how, with a shitpost, it's funny because the guy is going to a lot of effort to make it look low effort? I think that's what's going on here, but the result is actually just that it feels lazy. And I mean, I've seen unfunny shitposts, if you aren't funny at all, your shitpost is just going to be an actually shit post. I like stupid humor but if you fuck it up it's just stupid and not humorous. That's what this game is. It was weirdly pretentious too for a game that was constantly making obnoxious, lol so randumb jokes. Really feels like college student or even late high school kid taking an art class level. Very very bad.
Hello Charlotte Ep.2: Requiem Aeternam Deo
Hello Charlotte Ep.2: Requiem Aeternam Deo
better but still very clearly written by an angsty teenager
End Roll
End Roll
Lisa: The Hopeful
Lisa: The Hopeful
The best fangame ever. Wow, holy shit. It's almost on-par with the original. Hell it kind of is and I should rate it higher! Not only is the writing nearly as good, but the variation in the endings, depending on a variety of actions, not to mention the secret hard mode true ending route? God damn. This is what fangames should strive to be, not even the route depth, but just being this kind of quality and consistency with the original story.
This is similar to Suits in that it's got some really annoying shitty 2010s/tumblr internet humor to it, for example an enemy used an attack called "Pug Party" on me and it played a voice clip of some very gay sounding guy saying "Pug Party." Or maybe it was a skill one of my party members learned? Either way it was annoying. That's rare though, but it's not good most of the time anyway. It's like someone tried to make RPGmaker Dark Souls; the character design, the atmosphere, you create shortcuts, the cryptic worldbuilding done mostly through secrets... but it doesn't work out. I don't remember it being very good mechanically or even that difficult despite have a lot of Dark Souls' auxiliary mechanics, and the aforementioned bad humor really got in the way of the rest of what it was trying to do. Even for free it sucks.
Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority
Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority
Hello Charlotte Ep.3: Childhood's End
Hello Charlotte Ep.3: Childhood's End
the best one, retcons a ton of shit, but man is this one hell of a story

I can't call it good, but I can call it worth my time
Escaped Chasm
Escaped Chasm
Dweller's Empty Path
Dweller's Empty Path
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


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