The other final fantasy game I've beaten :(.

If you have any interest at all in fps games; purchase this. What an immaculate game.

God, this game is so frustrating. It's all style over substance. The lore is cool untill you realize it's as deep as a puddle. The plot is intriguing untill you find out its just an incredibly pretentious light vs. Dark story. Any commentary on the shadowy organization you join is completely lost by the end.

Has exactly 1 cool level.

I wish the whole game was like that.


An excellent time waster with a great soundtrack and a decent message. Its a little pretentious though.

Glad0s is unhinged :). I Feel like it drags on a bit in the middle but honestly I don't care that much.

Please, please, please, play this game if you havent. ReLogic will never stop updating it. Just play it for god sake.

The standard by which all other roguelikes must be judged.

I wasn't expecting much when I got this, but its polished to a fine sheen. This game is both tiny and has everyhting you could want.


Just an excellent roguelike, one of the best. No notes.

This game is a vessel for mods and little else. Really overrated.

Solid roguelike. A little rough around the edges, it could use some polish. But its generally a lot of fun.

Not the best roguelike I've ever played, but its damn good. No obvious complaints.