221 Reviews liked by EliezerRP

I'm bad at parrying but it's fun

As someone that played in the closed alpha: what the fuck happened

my favorite cinematic video game

better than the 16 bit version in my shitty opinion

I genuinely think this game is the most forgotten sonic game, and if it isn't, it's rivals 1.

consider it abandoned, but I WILL play it if I get to do so co-op

Wish I got to play it multiplayer

would be a lot better if the VAs gave a shit

potentially my first video game since my earliest gaming memory is wondering why you couldn't jump in oot. the only other candidate is sm64

this game defined how mario games have been written ever since

I experienced too much good stuff almost back-to-back and lost the spirit to play anything, so i decided to experience something bad to rekindle my passion for gaming.

and dear god, does this game suck

I mean it 100% seriously, it's borderline rock bottom writing. Tumblr, reddit, ifunny, whatever you call it IS EVERYWHERE. I love making "haha i want to die jokes" on daily basis, but MAKE IT STOP FOR ONCE. The edgyness STINKS, it is painfully blatant that it was written by zoomers in the worst way imaginable.
This game is a constant eyerolling simulator and it means something, when avid Drakengard 3 fan says that.

No wonder this game has recieved "fetish incest game" reputation, because of this horrendous script that makes it so damn hard to tell, whether it is poor yandere fetish material or actually interesting story about incestous manipulative abuse. There is potential for that, but game handles its topics with gracefulness of a fucking potato.

Execution of routes/endings also sucks, because you are required to either comply with unlikable abusive mother(Andrew finally grows some spine there, but parrents still die) or with unlikable abusive sister(Andrew keeps dickriding Ashley). Frankly the incest part is completely optional and you need to reconfirm it twice.

Outside of that, solid character portraits with annoying face expressions, gorgeous bacgrounds, pretty good point-of-click aspect and mediocre soundtrack.

Don't waste your time outside of pure curiosity.

imagine a 2D platformer but the core mechanic is waiting

dunno why I never played the sequels

Plague Knight is one of my favorite protagonists in a game and his wack-ass moveset makes the bland level design from shovel of hope actually fun