221 Reviews liked by EliezerRP

I didn't even last a single second on normal......

spent 2hour of my life on this

I sure do love this 5 minute rage game!
I certainly hope finishing it won't take 2 hours!

The concept of "what if everyone had randomized chess pieces" is a pretty goofy concept that works surprisingly well. Simple app but it's fun. Zach Gage has consistently solid mobile games.



Plants vs Zombies but the zombies are vegan.

very interestingly bizarre mishmash of games but it's a nightmare to play sadly

I was having quite a lot of fun with TOTK last year, playing it for about a week non stop, however, my exams in Uni were about to begin so I avoided picking it up for about 2 weeks. After the tests ended, I developed this extremely odd feeling of not actually wanting to play this ever again. Just the thought of it, made it seem like a chore, and I struggled to remember good things about it without feeling tired of doing it, for some reason.

It's been over a year since I left off so I decided to force myself to finish it, and after a day or so, I can finally take it off from my backlog. It was quite nice, not really something I can possibly imagine spending an entire week playing it while also not being something I loathed. I'm beginning to think this is a genuinely cursed game because I don't think I've ever felt this way with any other piece of media.

Does it have a Double Jump? No.

The Big Catch fucking rocks the presentation so hard. Probably one of my favourite PS1 throwback renditions so far. The collectables are sooo fucking good man, the way they look, the sound. The game also feels incredibly smooth.

However, this game is very demanding with its platforming (at least to a novice platformer like I). I also do not like the open "Bowser's Fury" style world in this. Riding these creatures that control not exactly how you'd want to ski to the platforming islands is really boring in this to me. Just feels like it takes too long. I would probably vastly enjoy this more if it was just level based. I'm kind of getting sick of open world crap.

Had a blast playing through this the past couple of days, it's still the same Yellow version with all it's gen 1 weirdness but with some really nice QoL features added and some cool changes to battles overall.

I'm not a huge fan of romhacks that go to the moon and overhaul a game to create something wholly new but I am a massive fan of these kind of more minimal romhacks. that add just a little bit a spice to games that I loved as a kid.

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(This is the English translation of my Spanish review of this game)

Oh how I love flawed masterpieces. I feel like games like these manage to achieve so much in such a strange and human way. It’s like seeing a self-made entrepreneur who had no support or funds from his family build a business that shows immense promise.

Dragon's Dogma is like if Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, and The Witcher had a child (maybe a child that has learning disabilities). It’s a game with ZERO handholding and a bit ruthless when it comes to learning its mechanics. It also has a problem with repetition and grinding with its overworld creatures that made me roll my eyes several times. The story is unnecessarily complex and there are many filler quests. There’s a lot to criticize, but when the game shines, it shines brightly.

The combat system is incredibly satisfying. The hits connect visually very well and feel and sound quite (for lack of a better word) delicious. I also feel that the high fantasy setting is a huge soft spot for me, and having encounters with lore-friendly (and not lore-friendly) massive creatures is extremely exciting. The dynamics against large creatures are definitely not as complex as those in Monster Hunter, but I don’t know many games that can combine similar mechanics and still have a fairly large and varied open world for its time (the game originally came out in 2012!!!😱😱).

The ending completely caught me by surprise and was very much in the style of Final Fantasy where it’s like, “You have to fight 7 gods and kill them, then become a god and then die yourself hahaha.” It has very psychedelic and creative parts without leaving behind its inspirations from European fairy tales.

In short, 4.5 ⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️ chosen ones out of 5

Meh. I'm unimpressed. For how much I've heard about this one over the years, it's nothing special.

I had bad vibes as early as glancing at the title lmao, I'm sorry, "Before the Sequel" is a VERY dumb name. Straightforward and self explanatory, sure, but creatively bankrupt. Which is weird, considering the Frankenstein-esque cutscenes chopping up frames from Sonic CD's intro and recontextualizing them. Clearly, creativity isn't lacking here.

But something feels... Off. Like those bootleg Spiderman toys that play Butterfly by smile.dk when you wind them up. Yeah, sure, it's Spiderman, but... Hmm...

It took too long for me to play Wii Sports Resort and the wait was worth it. It’s such a joyful experience from the moment you start the game to playing all the minigames with someone. My brother and I love the sword fighting and table tennis the most, it’s crazy fun. It only makes Nintendo Switch Sports more of a shame for how that game turned out. The sport mates have nothing on Mii!