Games With Characters I Could Be A Cottagecore Lesbian With

Nothing here!

Elizabeth Comstock. We could just stay in that little tower of her's and read all the time.
I think Eileen needs a break. I'd treat her right. I also wanna run away with the Plain Doll and live a nice quiet life far away from Gehrman.
Lady Maria my beloved <3
All of these characters are so gay. Except Adler he can suck an egg
I'd treat the Huntress right. I don't care that she's a cannibal.
I'm pretty sure Huntress's route is just being cottage core lesbians
I'm sure there's a cottage in the stars Ranni and I could go to. Malenia would treat me right.
Artemis is the goddess of cottage core lesbians
Kassandra is so hot.
I'd treat Aerith better than Zack or Cloud ever could
Cottage core lesbianism is the plot of this game far as I'm concerned
I'd like to live with Alice. It'd be peaceful
How come Rex gets to live in a nice house with three baddies and I don't (it's because I'm making this list rather than talking to girls)
Velvet would treat me right, even though I don't want her to
Get the Fire Keeper outta there
I like to imagine me being there for Aloy to relax with after she has a long day of hunting
Anne Bonny take me now


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