Two paths lie before you.

Completing the game like normal, not caring about completion percentages. On that route, you'll find one of the most delightful 3D platformers since the golden age of the late 90s-early 2000s.

On the other route, is endless pain and misery. 100%-ing this game is awful, and I cannot recommend anyone ever do that.

It's got some jank to it, and you can tell it doesn't have a very big budget. But it's so funny and well written, and that last hour is nuts. I wanna torture Kaname Date in a shipping container for a week.

The mech sections are kinda pathetic in terms of difficulty but it's ok cuz the girls are cute, and that is 100% the focus. I would commit war crimes in the name of Hatsuho Shinonome.

This is my favorite kart racer ever. The tracks are super fun with how they change in every lap, you always have opportunites to get extra boosts with tricks, the music is phenomenal. My biggest issues are that the roster is a little weak compared to the first game's spread of franchises, and I ran into a small amount of bugs that killed a race or GP for me sometimes. But the insane amount of single player stuff to do more than makes up for it for me. Grab this on PC if you can so you can get the MANY extra & Exclusive characters the console versions never got. Really hope we get a 3rd game that brings in stuff like Yakuza/Like A Dragon and Sakura Wars.

This was good, until it wasn't. By which I mean that King Koco Boss Trial and the true final boss, which only validates my enjoying of the shmup in the base game. I like the new characters even if my muscle memory with Knux threw me off at first, and the new cyberspace levels are legitimately one of the best things in the franchise, I need an SA3 with level design like those asap. They'll almost certainly tone down the Boss Trial and fix the camera during the final boss, so whatever.

...I don't really understand why so many people said the platforming with the Trial Towers was so hard though. *I* got to the top of each my first try, even on hard mode :^)

I haven't played the original PS1 version but this felt Fine. I don't like the way it controls at all, which makes sense considering the original was made with the DualShock's two sticks in mind. I was able to beat it at least, but I wouldn't really recommend playing this. The original is probably way better.

This game has a very clear vision of what it is and what it wants to be, and I have nothing but respect for that. The maps can be a bit TOO visually drab (yes i know WHY the game has the aesthetic and look that it does), which kinda hurts it for me compared to Head-On, but the fascinating stories for every character makes it worth it. Needles/Sweet Tooth's VA should get more work because god damn dude.

This is one of the best AAA games ever made, and a phenomenal game in general. It's so well put together, and not a second of it feels like filler. I haven't played the original so I dunno how it compares but yeah. I still have to play Claire A, Leon B.

Short, cute girls, free. No reason to not play it!

pandemonica best girl

Playing this alone or with someone will be the deciding factor on how you feel about this game. Alone, I wouldn't really recommend it since the AI partner is dumb as rocks. With a friend, I think it's an amazing co-op game with tons of cool setpieces. This game also gave us roided up Chris and the funniest version of Wesker, so it's worth it in my eyes.

You will give me an egg.

I've played this to 100% completion twice, the first time at launch, and the second time last year. The 2D levels feel worse than I remember (Mania coming out between then and now didn't help), but the 3D levels are better than I remember too. Great love letter to the franchise at that point.

I sure hope the next mainline game builds on the formula they established up to this point and doesn't change to be the shittiest feeling platformer in the franchise!

It's good, it's fucking Melee, what else is there to say. The scuffed looking models they made for characters in the trophy gallery are so fucking soulful, and I miss Break the Targets deeply. I'm not a pro player so I never feel any real need to go back to this outside of adventure mode once in a blue moon, or dicking around with friends when we're all feeling nostalgic.

This sure is one of the first games of it's kind. Don't play this.

Kinda janky, but it's the first game in the series so it gets a pass. I really love the aesthetic and look of the island, was honestly my favorite in the series until 5. It's worth playing it if you like DMC and wanna know how the series began. (also this is the best Dante design still, fight me about it)