Zero Build is good. I like when Goku Black hits the griddy with the Joker and LeBron. Some seasons are good, some seasons are dogshit.

Dr. Kahl I hope you burn in hell you dumb bastard.

I feel like it was a little slow to start, and I was always more excited to see what Majima was up to rather than Kiryu. But yeah this is one of the best games made in like the last decade, easy recommend.

This is the dumbest RE game storywise. Simmons is stupid, Carla is stupid, Helena is stupid, everyone in this game is kinda dumb. This game is not good if you're alone. If you have someone with you it's still not very good but it's certainly entertaining. The multiplayer modes are actually great, and should have been their own spinoff game instead of shit like Resistance or ReVerse.

they made a sonic game that is the polar opposite of everything i like about sonic.

The best one, depending on what side of the bed I wake up on. If you don't like/are bad at the Knuckles/Rouge levels then that's just a skill issue, sorry. I do wish Tails/Eggman controlled more like Gamma from SA1 but they're still good. This game also gave us Shadow who is a top 10 character in all of fiction.

thinks of miles looking sad and pathetic ooohh i can't NOT fuck him

This was cool as hell. Let Shinji Mikami cook stuff like this again. Super short, but that's ok.

Having a hard time thinking of any real faults with this, I'm due for a replay sooner or later.

You have to play this. Stop reading this review. Buy the remaster, buy a used DS copy, just find a way. You WILL love Missile.

I was shocked at how much I liked this given everything I'd heard about Sticker Star and Color Splash. It's still not my cup of tea since it's not an actual goddamn RPG but I was constantly delighted with how funny and well written it was.

Any piece of media that lets Charles Martinet go nuts is good by default. I do wish this wasn't stuck on the 3DS, this would have been a perfect Switch game. I'm torn on the artstyle, on one hand I get that artists change over time, but I miss everyone looking a little weird and/or ugly. I'm used to it by now though.

This was really fun. Libertalia is my favorite of the "final Uncharted areas" by a lot. I still think giving Drake a secret brother is stupid, and all those flashbacks to him as a kid were kinda meh.