Personal picks (outdated)

This isn't my definitive list of favorite games nor a list that I would recommend all my friends to give a try
They're games that aren't in my top 5 but are still important to me. Whether it is big amount of hours played, being influential in getting me into a genre or simply having fond memories with the game (notes to be added soon)

Yeah I like Ace Combat, got into it because of AC2. X gets to be in the list because it is just incredibly underrated.
I had a PSP back then with custom firmware and a memory card of 16gigs. It could a decent amount of games but since the PSP library was huge I had to delete games every now and then. Ace Combat X is the only game I refused to delete and is easily my most played PSP game and the best PSP game imo
Really good campaign, gunplay and movement are pretty good too. Easily my most time sunk COD. Even getting all weapons Gold/Diamond/Damascus camo in multiplayer.
Warzone is probably the only battle royale mode that I also enjoy aside from maybe Apex.
I love Bungie ever since, from Halo to Destiny, despite multiple highs and lows I felt playing this (started in Season 11/August 2020), their ambition to always improve the game still got playing this alongside the clan buddies. My MMO of choice and the raids are what makes this a shooter like no other.
Edit: I already have 1k hours put onto Destiny 2
Might not be the best character action game but it's what got me to like the genre. Extra points for having a unique atmosphere and style that is close to RE even tho some choices like the fixed camera seems detrimental
Love this game, hate this game. Made a career out of it and wasted countless hours, made friends, money and memories along the way. I don't want to play this anymore but I still acknowledge that it has been a big part of my life
Such an absurd game that I absolutely dig as a newcomer to the series. After one of my friends left me a copy, I went to try older games and other jrpgs. I am not sure if it's worth your money but it was absolutely worth my time. Royal ed. recommended if you do.
This is the only mobile game I will think highly of. Story, art, music, gameplay loop, design, writing, it's all very good. The gacha also a cosmetic choice and barely affects the experience. I just wish it was optimized better and didn't need like a good phone or pc to run smoothly
I have no words for this game
Absolute timeless. Just look how many memes we still keep getting from this.
Greatest collection of music in gaming
Top tier atmosphere
The first game made me get into racing games but the second one is the one that got me fully into cars, especially Japanese makes. I can distinguish the difference between a Toyota Corolla or a Mitsubishi Lancer. I still dream of owning a Nissan Skyline GTR R34 because of Gran Turismo 2 and 2 Fast 2 Furious
The other street racing game to Most Wanted.
Hard as fuck requiring tons of trial and error, skill and luck but extremely rewarding
A memory of better times when EA gave a shit on their games and this THE street racing game
I got a lot of Valve games in this list huh?
I wrote a review of this but long story short it's the most fun arcade racer with a design that is often copied nowadays, one of the best looking PS1 titles and best ost ever. It's so good that Sony remembered to include this in the PS1 classic
Can we get at least one more game like this one? It's like no other.
If I wasn't playing Ace Combat X on my PSP, it was most likely this with my friends. Everyone who had a PSP definitely played this gem
This along with THUG and THUG2 is skateboarding game enlightenment
This is the type of fighting game that heavily caters to me.
When I think of Naughty Dog, Nolan North and the PS3, this is THE game.
Prelude to Dota2. Lost countless hours to this too and has made me a RTS lover


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