Resident Evil Ranked

Love these games, one of my favorite franchises unfortunately having some of the lowest lows of a franchise as well.

Amazing remake, the graphics are stunning, the gameplay is fine and the characters are a little more expanded. The side stuff is also pretty damn fun, but in the end I still prefer the og.
I didn’t think it was that fun, it had its minor moments but not enough to make me play it for more than 5 hours. I at least like it more than Resistance cuz I can play as ALL the villains.
This game has a lot of things going for it, but my favorite parts dial down after the first act of the game. I love the setting and the atmosphere but it’s just not as good as RE7 and others.
Very disappointing, it’s still a good game obviously but compared to the original it’s just night and day. Cutting great content, undermining Nemesis and just kinda missing the feel of the og ruins this for me.
It’s a bad DBD clone made by Capcom, I don’t really like DBD from the beginning so my expectations were already low. This game was enjoyable for a solid 5 minutes and then I just dozed off.
I really like this game and it’s survival horror aspects as well as the puzzles, but separate campaigns isn’t really for me. I love the new things added but I just prefer some others.
Maybe controversial putting it this high but I love this game, it brings back the og type of RE that I love more. I like the new first person perspective and love the atmosphere of the entire game.
The fuck am I even supposed to say here. Don’t play this game, it’s actual garbage.
I like being able to meet Claire and especially Barry again after so long and some of the stuff here is pretty cool ig. But I HATE Moira, my god she is my least favorite fucking character of all time man.
This game was certainly ambitious, did it pay off? Fuck no this game sucks. The story is just meh, the bosses suck and there are next to no survival horror mechanics. It was at least a little dumb fun at times.
Had this on my ps3 for like 5 years until I actually tried it, I don’t even know why I had it cuz this was just absolute garbage. It’s not interesting or unique and it wasn’t that fun either.
Definitely not the most memorable, I think the setting is pretty cool, the characters are just okay here, the atmosphere is creepy but the enemies and bosses are annoying asf.
A fun little mode turned into a meh game, I think this is just boring. I’ve never particularly cared for this mode and I really ain’t that impressed here either but it’s still a tiny bit fun.
This game suffers a lot in a multitude of areas, but the game is also somewhat fun at times. I like the characters, some of the mechanics and Wesker is just ridiculous fun. Sheva is also so underrated.
Not my kinda game really but it was actually pretty interesting, I think it’s a good idea and that it was executed good enough, but it’s still not my kinda thing.
Take everything I just said on Darkside Chronicles and put it here but with a better story. I think this game is a teeny bit better and also just feels a little better.
Resident Evil but compressed for the DS, it's still the same game just a tiny bit worse imo. I do kinda like the map being displayed at all times and some different changes to puzzles but yeah.
An amazing game throughout, the gameplay is great imo, the visuals are too and it’s just a damn fun time. I love this game but a lot of the RE elements are kinda gone.
This is basically the first game, but better. Best way to explain it, everything here is just what the previous one did but better. I would really like a remake of this game.
This is the most cool and unique spin-off here imo, I think it was a pretty fun time and the mechanics with online was cool too. The graphics are also pretty damn good for an online ps2 game.
Very interesting mechanically, I think it looks pretty cool and has some cool features but in short, it’s lacking. I think if they were to expand on it and maybe just idk, make the game better it’d be better.
The story here is a bit of a mess, the mechanics are certainly interesting but not really that fun at times, the worst thing though is that there is no item box. Still like Rebecca, the visuals and Billy is underrated.
This is it, the best remake ever made and the best RE game ever made. I love everything, the graphics are absolutely gorgeous for 2002 and the puzzles, environments and characters are just perfect.
Shockingly horrible, there is no reason to play this game and yet I still played it. It’s a worse version of a 6/10 RE game and a horrible sequel to a bad game. Why was this even made.
A pretty cool idea, but it’s just executed horribly. I think it’s hard to make something like Resident Evil fit in a Game Boy Color but they certainly tried and at the very least, the combat was okay.
This is a good game but it’s pretty lacking too, the voice acting is garbage, because they got rid of the pre-rendered backgrounds the game looks flat and the story is just okay. Also easily the hardest RE to date.
Not fun, it’s an interesting concept for a game but kinda just fails in execution. I think it has some slight value but I would never actually buy or replay this game. It was at least better than the sequel.
Second favorite of the og 3, love this game’s new features, environments, puzzles (except for one) and Nemesis. I also love Jill even more here than in 1.
The best of the og trilogy imo, it really is a huge upgrade from the first game and has some unique features that got added onto in future entries like Mr.X for example.
While I really like this game, it has aged so poorly compared to 2 and 3. It’s still a great game but the voice acting and gameplay kinda make the experience less enjoyable for me. Still great though and it started it all.


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