Damn. This game sure is symbolic and all that stuff, but i'm so dumb to get things like that so i'll have to watch some videos about it.
Anywho, this is a great survival horror with great atmosphere, music and gameplay, and i'd definitely recommend it! It's confusing to say the least, but it's real fun.
It also has lesbians so check it out.

3rd review and this one’s for Yakuza Kiwami 2. This actually might be the one to 100%, but we'll talk about that later. Let's get it! (srry if it’s too long, just speaking my mind here)

This game is another remake, in this case of Yakuza 2 (tf did u expect), and so far is my least favorite game out of all. And that’s because of, um… let’s say an amalgam of various aspects. I’d like to mention first of all the addition of the Dragon Engine. It’s stunning, amazing, reckoning, yk, that kinda stuff - but it’s still Yakuza. Don’t worry about it (for the most part) cause it’s a blast. For the most part.
And why didn’t i like this game so much? One of those reasons is… the story. As of when i'm writing this, it's already been a while since i beat the game, so dont judge me if im not a 100% correct (not like my platinum hehe), but i sincerely didn’t like how silly the story in this game was. Cause youre telling me theres a whole turf war between 2 yakuza clans going on and theres also a 3rd one acting BUT the main villains motive is to defeat (not kill) Kiryu? Like, tf? Don’t get me wrong, I like Ryuji as a character, but hes a frickin goofball for gods sake. And dont get me started on the twists. AND the flashbacks. SO MANY FLASHBACKS.
This ones story not of my taste, but its ok ig.

Now the gameplay… starts crying. I’m sorry but initially i DESPISED WITH MY HEART AND SOUL that combat system. I said initially cause i ended up accustomed, but idk. Yk, the graphics are awesome, you can go practically wherever you want without a loading screen, but the Dragon Engine’s combat system is much, much worse than any other in the series. Period. Is flashy and cool ig, but it does not feel right when playing with it.
If you jus wanna go thru the whole game without sufferin, jus look up (in yt or whatever) the restaurants that give you the most exp and start eatin the livin crab (hehe) outta them. Youll break the game in a matter of minutes/hours.

Side-content-wise… It's actually pretty good! The first couple missions are utter garbage, but because they are meant for you to have a finisher by interacting with the environment (they are still shitty nonetheless). But then there are tons of fun sidequests that are great, and I mean great as in Yakuza 0. And there are also minigames: some old, some new, but still fun.
There’s Virtua Fighter (a whole ass game inside YK2); there’s minigolf, which is ok for the most part; a few tweaks for baseball; there’s a Tower Defense; CABARET CLUB IS BACK BABYYY; you can also… take photos of actresses in underwear… and… there are 2 piss games - Well that’s enough.
Whole lotta shit for you to uncover. That’s it.
Oh and I almost forgot theres also a Majima story. It aint brilliant, but it is Majima after all so im happy :D.

Now the 100% yayyy. Shit’s way easier compared to other games. A breeze of fresh air for those who just wanna finish asap. If youd want to, id say you should. It’s still challenging, but it aint infuriating at all (i think). Anyway, remember that 100%-ing a game isnt a task you are required to do - just do it if you please. You can always spend your time on anything else aside from fulfilling ticks in a game just to have a trophy in your profile that says “I did it!”. It sure be rewarding, but do it only if you really want to.

Nothing to say about the OST. Yall know it. (just listen to “The Sound Of Breath” for me that shit like a drug)

Sooo, the conclusion. Yakuza Kiwami 2 is an ok game for a magnificent saga, which aint bad at all. Yakuza Kiwami 2 is ok for itself, but I think it has many things that didnt turn out so well as expected. Pick it up if on sale and see for yourself.

See ya on the next one!

Damn. I know this game's old, but not that old, and some people say it does not hold up - dude, it pretty much does.
Assassin's Creed is a stealth-based videogame, with action and parkour aspects that enhance the experience. The gameplay in this game feels somewhat old, but it's ok nonetheless. And the movement - that shit is really something.
The locations as well as the atmosphere are pretty good, too.
And for the story, it is actually very intriguing how things will turn - for the bad or for the right, for your enemies or for your creed. It presents a dilemma that you'll have to face, whether you like it or not.
For what started the saga that we know nowadays, although very repetitive, the first entry is a very good videogame.
And for those who say it's bad, that's because you never played it.
Give it a try!

Second time around, now's time for Yakuza Kiwami. Again, recommended, but don't try to 100% it.
With that being said, let's begin.

Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of a PS2 game that isn't all bad, but it has some flaws here and there. Its story is almost as good as 0's (at least that's what I think), which is saying something. It's even more dramatic than 0, like how many people die wtf.
Anywho, it's great.

When talking about gameplay, it's the same as 0's, which is great. Frickin great. It just feels good. I've grown to appreciate this combat even more, don't know why tho. If you are new to the series, expect an action game full of frantic and powerful moves.

And now it's time for the side content. It's... Ok. Like, yeah, it may have the same minigames as 0, but it doesn't feel the same, you know? Substories aren't even that great in this game. And that I cannot tolerate. One thing that I did like was the Majima Everywhere system. dat shi's gud.
As always, I should remind you that doing the 100% its completely optional and shouldn't be your main focus, because god it's awful. It is easier than 0, but it felt even worse when attempting it. Just don't waste your precious time on things like these.

And, of course, the OST never disappoints. Chef's kiss

I know, i know. I can't help but compare this game to Yakuza 0, but because that is my only reference. For its own, Yakuza Kiwami is actually really good, but it just felt like an inferior version of Yakuza 0.
But I guess that will be my only thought with any other game in this saga lmao.

Alan Wake is a videogame that accomplishes to have a great story paired with an excellent narrative. The story is gripping and interesting and it's told by both the protagonist's manuscript and playing the game itself. It's mind-boggling how well this is managed.

When talking about gameplay, well, it's ok, let's leave it like that.

Alan Wake is a game, or maybe not. Well, let's say it's an experience. An experience everyone should play.

I don't know how long's this review gonna be, but if you just wanna know if you should buy this game or not: yes. However, don't try to 100% it. It's pretty infuriating.
Ok, so with that being said, let's begin.

Yakuza 0 is one of the best games I've ever played. I originally played it on PS4 back in 2021 iirc, and it's still as good as I remember. Heck, I've enjoyed it even more this second time around. When I first played it, I just stuck to the story and didn't do any substories or minigames (apart from singing and dancing), and I regret doing so. This game manages to have a frantic and dramatic story paired with hilarious sidequests. It's truly amazing.

Gameplay-wise, it's an action game. It starts off a little bit rough, both because you are unfamiliar with the game and because you haven't unlocked any skill, but it just gets better and better. I mean, yeah, you can eventually burn out because of its repetition. But i like it anyways so idk.

The side content is simply spectacular. Why would a game about the Yakuza have so many petty minigames and substories? It's a rhetorical question, but what I mean is that they are that, unimportant, but they are so well done that this game couldn't be such an incredible experience without them. By the way, don't play JCC. It's not worth your time.

And now, let's talk about the 100%. It's one of the most time consuming things I've ever done in my life. The game requires you to have the Completion List completed (forgive the redundancy), which is more time consuming other than difficult, completing the game on the highest difficulty, which you have to unlock by completing the game for the first time, and relying primarily on luck for many other trophies. It's just ass. I liked this game so much that I wanted to 100% it, and I think it's been worth it, but I can't recommend it to other people.
What I did like was that, doing the 100% actually made me like the game even more, and that's usually not the case with these.

Oh, and by the way, the OST is amazing.

imma just go cause if i go on with this it could take forever.
Remember: play this game at least once in your lifetime.

Man, this game could be waaaaay better than it is.
I mean, the story is frickin great, but the gameplay is utterly horrible (imo).
Waiting for the remake (or remaster idk)!

basically being a hobo but hardcore.
Btw, fuck Beak Things. Every one of them.

fuck to everyone who plays this game
(me included)

I didn't know a game like this could be so addicting.
Like I'm actually having fun while throwing carrot-like aliens to a bolt.