Best Game Trailers

A mixture of epic, funny, atmospheric, cinematic and a bit of cringe.

Counter to my Worst game Trailers


1 year ago

@Dreamboat - I'm not a big Street Fighter guy but that is pretty epic. The music, colours and mix between gameplay and animation is really well mixed.
Gotta go with one of my all-timers, Halo 3's Believe campaign

1 year ago

@Lautaro - I wasn't sure this was going to be good when I saw the name come up. "How could that make a great trailer?" Never been happy to be so wrong. That was fantastic. Going to add it on the list.

1 year ago

@Penumbra - How could I forget that! That trailer was outstanding!

1 year ago

i'm glad to hear that you liked it, I don't know if you like dragon ball but more people need to know about this trailer: i hope you liked it :)

1 year ago

@Hylianbran - I mean it is funny. Just not intentionally so.... Maybe if I make a cringe list XD

@Lautaro - I do like DBZ. That seems more like just the opening movie though to the game rather than a trailer 🤔

1 year ago

@FallenGrace -yeah you are right is more like a opening,but hey it is still pretty awesome. It is surprising there is none smash ultimate trailers here. Anyway, I'm gonna leave you some of my favorites trailers, happy new year:

1 year ago

@Laotaro - Happy new year to you too! Some good trailers there though didn't impact me like the Tetris Effect one.

It did remind me I need to play Kena this year. Gorgeous looking game.
How are the BOTW and TOTK trailers not on here (Switch presentation for BOTW and trailer 3 for TOTK)

3 months ago

@The_Gaming_Dog12 - I haven't had a Nintendo console since the GameCube really so haven't paid their games too much attention is probably why lol. I'll try to check those trailers out later thanks 👍🏻

3 months ago

Always been a favourite trailer of mine,
Another favourite,
I always thought this was a a amazing trailer, shows pretty much all aspects of the game with actual gameplay, story moments etc honestly maybe the best trailer they could've made for them coming back to Half-Life and it's also actually well put together as well so that helps.

3 months ago

@Ollchops - Thanks for sharing these! I'm not a Metal Gear fan so I imagine it doesn't have the impact for me. I liked the music though. I really liked the Half Life Alex Trailer though! Not played the games but have a knowledge of them. I found the paving really well done for a short trailer. Going to add that to the list thanks!

2 months ago

@PartyKiller - I'd not seen this but I agree, it's a nice little twist in 30 seconds. I like it.

2 months ago

I've always been a fan of Persona 5's first big trailer (
Coming from P4 and how vague the trailers were beforehand, was massively exciting at the time lol

2 months ago

@Lead - This reminds me of the first Persona trailer I saw, when Lie will change drops it gives me chills, then add in when the singing starts, I watched it so many times. 8 years ago it was like the coolest thing I'd ever seen. botw switch presentation trailer

I like this more than the actual game lol

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