281 Reviews liked by Feet_Sucker

some bastard at intelligent systems tried to make the worst game ever and succeeded

this one is okay. mechanically solid and the maps are a step up from awakening but is worse than conquest in every way except the story being slightly better. sort of goes with what the sacred stones was trying by making even the hardest difficulty a little too easy. this is the okayest fire emblem of all time.

a step in the right direction that seems to have been ignored afterwards.

Geno is never going to be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

So similar to the first one that I couldn't tell you which levels are in the first or second game. Is that a bad thing? No, it's more Mario Galaxy, and Galaxy is a masterpiece. Oh and Yoshi's cool too.

Why is this game even on here.

Everyone has talked about this game to death in many aspects, but no one talks about how Shadow gave the rawest line of all time in the final battle by saying "A fourth-dimensional being? This might actually be a fair fight," and that needs to change

Not as good as the first one but Dot is still so fucking hot

Think of Osu but with less game modes and every song sounds like splatoon characters choking.