This shit was so fun and time went by so fast. Makes me think that this is what OG pokemon was like but to a lesser scale. Makes me wanna try them out

Despite being very flawed in a bunch of different ways, Final Fantasy 8 is fucking awesome. The soundtrack might be the best soundtrack in any game. Nobuo Uematsu is a genius. The soundtrack is honestly probably one of the main reasons why this game works for me. While most of the characters aren't that deep or anything, it's very fun to see them all interact, which leads to big story beats being all the more emotional. I really fucking love Squall and Rinoa, but other than that the other characters were fun, but a little bit lacking. There are a few story moments that don't really work and make you sit in front of your screen like "wtf just happened" but in a bad way. If this game got a remake like FF7R, then it could possibly be one of the greatest games of all time. But yeah overall really good I loved it

Not really a game meant for me but it was good

Remember it being really good

Really really good and emotional. Love the art style and it got really emotional in the final part of it and recontextualized everything. Really beautiful game.

The greatest game of all time (for now). Hard to put into words how much this game means to me and how much I love it. It's just so fucking good. 11/10

Man, this game destroyed me. Wanted to get into the Final Fantasy series but some of the other games were too outdated for me. Tried out FF9, and while it was still really outdated, the sheer fucking quality of it shone through. Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, Dagger; the main cast is beautiful. If this game got a remake like FF7 did, and if Square did it good and delved into the other 4 characters of the party more and fixed some of its' imperfections; it would definitely be my favorite game of all time and probably my favorite story of all time.

Incredible. Absolutely Incredible. What an incredible journey. 2B, 9S, and A2 are all amazing. Love the messages it communicates, and probably gave me the most goosebumps out of any game I've ever played. Ending E is one of the greatest fictional endings of all time.

This is a hidden gem. Played it because my favorite youtuber made a video on it, and it was incredible.

Probably should have played the original first, but this is such an incredible game. Really it's amazing. I suck at describing why I love stories without basically saying "its just really good," but it's really good.

Probably the most visually stunning game I've played. Absolutely beautiful. The cutscene direction is also amazing. Gameplay was really fun. Been a while since I had that much fun in single player combat. Had really high hopes for the story though, but unfortunately, it was just "good." Still amazing though. 8.5


Really fun from a gameplay perspective. Story-wise it was good but didn't really impress me much. Still a really good game.

Boy was this amazing. What an incredible story. Arthur Morgan is one of the best video game characters ever, and the story and stuff were just so incredible. 9.5