OK some of the end twists are a little stupid but if you hate this game as a whole because of them

you are my enemy

There's a lot of pretty lame stuff in this but it's actually pretty decent at the end of the day what the hell

I love the PS1 jank what else can I say

It's incredible how this game manages to unironically have the line: "You don't want to be cuckolded, do you?" and still be good

Unfortunately this game has a bit too much bullshit to be considered a true peak in gaming
Still goated though!!

The look on the AA fanbase's face when they find out Takeshi Yamazaki directed this game will be epic!!

Yeah I know this game isn't very deep on any level but it's so short and the dialogue is super entertaining so it doesn't really overstay its welcome

Paper Mario fans when they see a door that breaks down into dust just from touching it (it's like, a thousand years old)

Pretty unpolished and bullshit difficult at times, but overall surprisingly solid

It's no "Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze" but I'll manage

I wouldn't say this is necessarily the definitive version of MGS1 but it sure as hell isn't bad
Really can't go wrong whichever version you end up playing imo