Guitar hero TV is a step forward, the new layout is a step forward.

All of this could've been good if the FUCKING GUITAR DIDNT SUCK ASS

this IS the best guitar hero game.

But Pandora's setlist can fuck off as the worst one from WoW

Everytime i look at one i get the urge to piss on the guitar's strumbar

Assassin's Creed 2 but more annoying.

The multiplayer was pretty fucking fun though

Probably the only ubisoft open world game i can digest, the shitty ubisoft world design is not bad when you experience it for the first time and with a game as good as this one

This is the first seventh generation console game that actually SHOWS is seventh generation game, that's the only thing about it

Mario party but good because miis are better

It's so incredibly linear it made me wonder why i kept playing it, it should have been an insta drop from the first hour.

Spent around 8 hours trying to figure out how the custom portrait thing worked, finished making them and played around 4 hours, i could say it was worth it

Appeal to people that dont play good videogames in a narrative way, make them forget the game sucks


I hate the amount of dlc it has, but it sure is addicting.