I remember modding this and seeing some random anime girl hitting another one because she loved some other girl, it was pretty wild and i laughed a lot.

Illusion classic and kino

People who havent played more hack n slash games will give this 5 stars

The only good thing is the soundtrack and like, two levels, its ok in general i guess

I set up a dedicated server just to play weird japanese maps with some friends, amazing experience

People will shill this game so hard and then you will play it and realize it's the simpsons skateboarding tier.

Go play jet set radio future


I might be biased on hating anything Bethesda develops, but honestly i had more fun being mean to everyone in the vault than when i got to the outside world

I always like to think of halo when it comes to weak, "it feels like shit to shoot" weapons, but the new order is so fucking bad i cant even remember it exists most of the time

Visually beautiful, annoyingly long

How funny that this became mainstream as soon as the marisa stuff happened...

I dont know if i have been filtered or if the enemies are supposed to know your exact position 24/7

This review was written before the game released

Konami is hungry, they will fuck up this remake, the ports, and never port mgs4 (this one is a good thing)

People who only watch movies will love this