This is normally where I'd compare this to the other titles in the franchise but frankly it's impossible to compare DS1 to DS3. Both games are good in their own ways. The internal fan wars are pointless because it's comparing apples to oranges. One is a calculated game with slow sluggish movement that rewards meticulous gameplay, and the other is Bloodborne.

MAN the twist at the end of the true ending of this game is insane. Blew my expectations out of the water. Honestly among the genuinely enjoyable VNs that even people who don't heavily engage with VNs should give a shot at least once. Could it have been better? Maybe, imo some puzzles are extremely dense, but it's an extremely fun ride from start to finish.

Honestly a pretty good series of puzzles as someone who's dabbled in this franchise but never really fully committed. Has plenty of unique ideas (though a bit dense at time), and makes for a genuinely enjoyable chill time. The macabre of the game is definitely the most engaging aspect, I feel. Well worth it at the price.

The type of game you wish you could call "peak gaming" but comes up a tiny bit short in most aspects. This game doesn't fall flat, per sey, but I can't necessarily sing its praises either as it sets out to accomplish very little beyond exactly as it achieves and not much more. Amazing visuals but uninspired at times in gameplay execution.

In it's current state I can say that this game delivers exactly what it promises and not much more, but it has an extremely sturdy foundation that has an insane amount of promise to it to be expanded upon. Really fun time as a sandbox, though the sandbox has become more engaging than the actual mystery aspects of the game to me currently.

can't even lie when I say it blows most turn-based RPGs out of the water

revisited this game to attempt the challenge stages and fill out some 100%s in my backlog and the game holds up well honestly

but in the challenge mode stages i found that android hell is incredibly real

the game feels really unfocused on either aspect of its gameplay loop and ultimately falls short on both. the graphics are really cute and the movement feels good but ultimately not much content for a game that combines 2 genres that are meant to have infinite replay-ability.

You know that game that everybody never shuts up about and feels like when you finally play it that there's no way it could ever live up to the hype? That game that feels like you've had every story beat spoiled for you, that you're certain is overrated?

Against all odds FFVII somehow managed to come out ahead of being overhyped. This is another one of those standout titles I put off playing for over a decade before finally dipping my toes into and it lives up to every little bit of praise it's ever gotten, honestly. Somehow the story that seemed so convoluted when retold through word of mouth from others managed to click and all those essential, important pieces of the puzzle that I missed out on absolutely captivated me. Not much to say about this game that hasn't already been said.

FFIX clears this game though.

This game is a masterclass in storytelling in its character writing and journeys of growth. It has some flaws (party characters essentially disappearing into the background as the main story progresses), but to me a 5/5 score isn't a perfect game but something that intensely outshines its flaws.

The ATE system is still one of, imo, the most genius devices across any game I've played for really fleshing out each character. Optional bits of genuine moments between the party and NPCs that come around to being incredibly memorable in spite of their generic designs went a long way to making the world feel alive and really help the player connect.

But the real reason to play this game is Tetra Master. God I love Tetra Master.

had to learn mahjong just to platinum this game

still don't know how to play mahjong but i did get the trophies

im tired of pretending i don't like danganronpa

there are better VNs. there are even better killing game VNs. but i LIKE danganronpa.

Honestly holds up well if you can make it past the pretty garbage tutorial and the unappealing visuals. Only real complaint is the difficulty falls apart even on legendary once you can establish a good early game and refine your formulas.