This game sets out the fondations for the fighting game genre. It's a bit lacking in modes, like there's no training mode, but what it offers is pretty polished!

Comfort food, the game. It's a visual treat, beating a lot of modern games IMO. The controls still aren't quite as good as recent Kirby games and the abilities are simple, but if you see a cartridge of this game, you NEED to get it.

Fast paced, good controls, it's a blast but it's lacking in content. Multiplayer would make all the difference.

A really good RPG that aged like fine wine. It has some jank, but i'm glad it became such a cult classic.

Holy peak Batman
A colorful, easy to access platformer that sets out to do everything SMB3 did but better. You have so much freedom over your movements. If you know what you're doing, you can finish the game real quick, or take the long road.

Generation 2 is full of content and it's really fun to progress through it all. Hell yeah for backward compatibility! It's unfortunate that a lot of the newer pokemons are almost unobtainable in the game, though, being locked behind Kanto, trade evolutions or exclusives.

It's a sweet collection that pays respects to the classics! There's not a lot to do, but that's to be expected.

Look how they massacred my boy...
Like.. the controls are stiff and the visuals were thrown into a blender. Music's okay, though.

This game feels more Kirby than the first Kirby, haha. It's really good and has a lot of levels! It expands on everything the first game did well. The copy abilities and animal friends add replayability but are extremely simplistic. Getting 100% can be pretty cryptic, though.

Incredible how a game without colors is so immersive. The island setting is lovely, the dungeons are short and sweet, the characters are memorable, the music is good and the difficulty is fair and balanced. Things get a bit out of hands with the trading quest without a guide, but that's okay.

I can see why people would like it. It's dark and you feel lonely and the saving system really helps, but the music is a huge downgrade from the first game and it's pretty repetitive.

Such a weird game hahaha, Mario falls like an anchor when he walks off a cliff. The music is very memorable but the game's really short. Play it, it won't take long.

The only portable game where an italian man grows bunny ears, I swear. There's no set order for levels which opens up the game a lot. It's not really hard, but that's completely fine.

Blue gang! It's insanely fun and replayable-- I know a lot of people say it's full of jank, but I genuinely believe it helps the game, kinda like Melee. The remake is better, sure, but a classic you have to check out.

Super simple, and I respect that, but it's also really short. Gotta say it's visually super nice, though.