Not as bad as I remembered. The pick up and play format is really good for this one-- except for the goddamn temple of the ocean king LOL

Take one of the greatest games ever and make it better, you get Ultra Star.

How do you even explain this one to your parents

The "gold" standard for what Pokemon should be.

The story isn't as deep as a lot of people say, but who cares when it's already a really good game lol

Controls so well and it looked great for the time even if stepping on DK's model looked painful

Much better than Diamond and Pearl, still a bit slow.

The concept got absolutely milked but it's sooo fun like woah

Super creative compared to what would follow!

The problem is that the game is not fun, period. Sure, you have a lot of freedom when creating a sim and the game pushes for diversity (except in some countries), but the game is broken. Things glitches out all the time, offline play is a nightmare and there's no depth to the gameplay whatsoever-- so you'll make a pretty sim and stop playing.

Gen 1 but better, with some bonus content! It's very fun even to this day.

Goes from an okay game to endless laughter once you discover you can use voicelines

Maybe behind that evil fog device hides a better game.

C'mon. Just think of the intro. That's how you know you're set for peak gaming.

Amazing movements, great levels from start to finish, it all compliments each other. What many consider it's biggest flaw, the camera, can absolutely be tamed.