You'll often see people divided on whether or not the lack of time limit helps the flow of the game. I don't really know, but it makes Pikmin 2 a great entry point for new players. The music is once again beautiful, exploring dungeons feel fun and doesn't really get old as you'd expect, and the purple and white Pikmin are perfect additions to the crew.
Oh, and you can make the game go "Louie. Olimar! Louie. Olimar!" and that's worth mentionning.

Luigi's Mansion is a weird game, and it does its job. The atmosphere is really well done and everything almost feels alive (despite being about ghosts lol). It does have to be said that it's short-- really short, any less and it would feel like a tech demo. The game encourages you to replay, but there's only so many things you can do differently when the entire game takes place in a mansion.

This game isn't made by the original team and it doesn't have to be, because it's goddamn better. The new worlds all compliment each others with no level close to bad, and the often orchestra-like soundtrack has been overlooked for far too long. A hidden light gem, if you will, if you can overlook the 5 minutes of dialogue that was already cheesy for its time.

This game is like getting fast food only to find out something's missing from your order. You rethink your life decisions that lead you there, wondering why you didn't go elsewhere, so you sit down and take a bite.
Then you find out it's a bit undercooked.
Your drink's perfectly fine, though, and same goes for the gameplay.. variety. It sure is a Spyro game!

Is this the best Smash game? I genuinely wonder because once you get your hands on it, it feels like it is. The visuals aged very well and the perfectly executed soundtrack still influences the franchise to this day. The basis for all platform fighters. Accessibility is what hurts this game, and that's not even it's own fault.

The game starts out sooo good! It's a blast and switching character feels nice, the level design is well made.. and then you reach the rail-based level. It all falls apart, even the boss is buggy enough to be in 06. What a fall.

Visually the game holds up well and it's still fun to play with friends, but it's the last game where the modern controls aren't felt at all, so driving doesn't feel perfect just yet.

Pikmin is a game that's gonna be hit or miss-- not because of it's world, but it's gameplay. It's really fun, but some people may feel overwhelmed handling an army of pikmin, especially with the overlooming timer. Try it out before buying.

A worthy successor to what many consider the best game of all time. Don't worry about the wolf gameplay-- it's not intrusive. It's a game deserving of the word epic.

Bro... this game better get re-released soon (EDIT : on something other than a console dead on launch). With masterfully well made dungeons, a memorable soundtrack and graphics that aged near perfectly, this game is a classic. The pacing does get a bit bad toward the end, so get yourself a podcast or two while playing.

To me, this is an amazing game and just as good as Galaxy! It nails the tropical setting from start to finish combined with a beautiful soundtrack and controls so well. Once you get used to it, this is some of gaming's best movements haha.

I really like this game! You'll get more content out of Superstar Ultra, but the controls feel good, the new abilities are some of the most unique in the franchise and the few minigames are nice.

My previous review for this game had me complaining about tutorials, but I recently finished it for the first time in more than a decade. Honestly? The tutorials really aren't that bad and are quite charming. The settings for this game are really cool and the enemies are quite menacing for a Mario game, too! I wouldn't call the bro items a downgrade, but moreso a sidegrade. It's just as good as Superstar Saga to me.

Fast paced gameplay that keeps you on your toes. The characters are all so fun, too! But once you finish it, odds are you won't replay it.

At first, you appreciate the game for it's story, but after some time, you'll also really like it's gameplay. It's a great start to the Mystery Dungeon series and is a great entry point.