It's insane, this is just kinda one of the absolute best games in the series. I expected to like it less after returning to it after so long when I grew up with it but no this game is just kind of a great party game. No other game in the series really has any theming to the whole package beyond being Mario but this one sticks with the idea of being tiny really well and I think that just makes the whole experience more charming

A damn near perfect sequel

God I actually got emotional over Jack Black's character

This isn't as good as the other Genesis games but it made me laugh more

This could've gotten 5 stars but Sandopolis Act 2 exists

Christian Whitehead a king fr fr, Sonic 2 without the bad parts

This is such a step up from 1, my god

This sure is a game. And sure is Sonic.

I expected to enjoy this game a lot, but I did not expect to "100% in less than 3 weeks of release," like it, this game is amazing. There are small issues that could be ironed out when this game I pray gets a sequel but outside of that, this is one of my favorite experiences the Pokemon franchise has ever given me. Truly, honestly, incredible. Here's hoping for Legends Kyurem one day

I can't believe I skipped this game on release, this game is god damn incredible

I don't think it's fair to call this like. A Sonic game like I've seen some say, more it's just the whole ass SEGA Genesis

2021 went hard on a lot of new releases and this is no exception, this game fucks, and I already look forward to coming back for a Challenge Mode playthrough

Ngl going for 100% made me like Black Velvetopia just a little bit less but overall this is one of the best 3D platformers ever, such a fuckin gem

Now that every character has been released, I can confidently say, this game is so so so damn good and nearly every character is fun to play, I love this game so much and it's truly something special to see now that it's complete!