This goes so fucking hard, taking the highlights of the rest of the series and mixing it all up in a way that makes the whole game still feel original. Peak of the series? Probably.

This game bombed and that's criminal

Very occasionally the game will have some issues processing stuff because it is, after all, a Wii minigame collection, but still might be one of the most creative games in the series visually

Absolutely one of the best in the series, the DS suits this style of gameplay so so well

A worse way to experience the core of the original but that's not what you come to this game for, it's the multiplayer aspect, and that's pretty fun

The game improves on the original in several ways but I also need to be in more of a certain mood to want to play this one in comparison to the original, I'm not entirely sure what it is about it

Technically magnificent for the time and, while definitely aged, still a pretty good time! The gameplay loop of Star Fox just feels pretty inherently fun and while this didn't knock things out of the park, it's still a fun time regardless.

But why is Andross consistently, across all difficulties one of the easier bosses in the game??

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It's insane to me how Shovel Knight is now the star of two roguelikes, both being some of my favorites in the genre. The only complaint I really have is

That the secret "true" ending had more of a difference to the standard one, though I can at least appreciate the true final boss being possibly the best final battle in the series since the first Enchantress battle all the way back in the original game in 2014.

Not one of my absolute favorite fighting games but this one is definitely good fun

Splatoon 3 makes a lot of improvements over 2 and that's awesome but tbh I'd probably feel decently similar even if it was pretty much the same because Splatoon is just kind of inherently fun to me

This is the peak of all things really I understand the VISION

I enjoyed this game as like. A game a lot more than ZX but this game also feels underwhelming on the story front, especially just a day after seeing the pretty emotional ending of the previous entry