This was fun, though my god the bosses fall off so hard after Music Plant it's insane

I'm only kinda sure that I would play this over Sonic 1 and I don't like that game very much so this one is only kinda above being disliked for me

It's alright. New characters are fun but I honestly prefer the final boss of the original game and the Koco trials were a bit annoying. Cyberspace stages are generally very good though

It lost me just a tad for a little bit but I quite like the large majority of it

Better than expected! Tbh I actually like it more than Super Mario Kart!

I was sure I'd walk out of this preferring 3 but I think I may have been wrong. This game is fantastic, and holds the title of the best final boss in the series by a country mile!

This is mechanically an improvement over both games that came before. My only complaint is the difficulty, but I suppose that's on me more than the game for not following my instinct to pick Hard mode. Despite that it's still my favorite game in the series so far.

Mechanically an improvement to the original but it's a little more draining to me.

This game has plenty of frustrations here and there, especially when it comes to Pikmin AI, but generally, it actually has aged better than I ever expected it to. Making my game plan more and more efficient was extremely satisfying! Will very likely return for a replay some day, maybe on a newer release, like the Switch version

This game is super charming and I enjoy quite a bit of it but holy hell the last stretch of this game is ROUGH, it went from like 7.5 to like a 4 before the final boss was able to salvage it. I am glad that I already know the sequels fix most of my issues with it, excited to see the improvements first hand

Very few games can get a whole-hearted recommendation from me based on game-feel alone. This is one of those games. It takes so many things I love about Mega Man and applies in your face melee action and incredibly satisfying grappling hook mechanics on top of it. I enjoyed the characters too, as well as the little bits of world-building NPCs give you after defeating a boss, the whole experience is great with only little nitpicks that I don't particularly care enough to hold against it. Will definitely be replaying soon

This is an incredible sequel, and improves in every way on the original. It also has the best and possibly most persistent Ganondorf in the series, which only lends more to the fact that I think this game has one of the best finales in the franchise

I already really liked the original but this game really improves on the basis that game set and just makes the whole experience much better to me, it especially helps that the bosses this time around were a massive upgrade over the ones in DKC 1

It has a few good ideas here and there, the rest of this is fucking dog shit. UFO and Squats are miserable

I expected the first in the series to age a bit more but honestly I think overall this is great, although I think the ice world is a bit of a slog. DK and Diddy have such a nice feeling of momentum and weight to their movements, it feels really really good!