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I am so glad that I got to play this blind, a little while before it blew up on Youtube and people started shitposting about "muh liminal spaces" or "muh LGBT backstory".
Too bad that I killed the dog.

A game which gives me an intense feeling of disgust and hatred. Not because of its content, but because of its mere existence, the measures which the developers took to ensure its continued existence, and what all of it represents for me.
The official shutdown of Garry’s Mod Tower, and then the constant DMCA takedowns against anyone attempting to host it again, was a huge factor in the slow and horrible decay that GMod continues to suffer from. I cannot ever forgive that.

I used to be terrified of this series as a kid, actively trying to avoid getting too close to the arcade machines.
That kid was a fucking idiot. House of the Dead kicks ass, with this game being the best of the lot.

Is Sonic R one of your all-time favorite video game soundtracks?
If so, drop what you're doing and listen to this game's soundtrack, right fucking now.

I don't think it should come as a shock to anyone that I've spent over 1,300 hours on this game. That is just the nature of a well-designed roguelite.

Fucking embarrassing compared to Star Fox 64. It's no wonder that this game still hasn't been ported to the Switch, let alone that the Star Fox series as a whole became dormant since its release.

This game has absolutely terrible performance on my end, but yet it's surprisingly fun. I'm not usually one to play survival-crafting games, but hardly anything about the execution here feels tedious or annoying, and the monster-catching aspect gives a lot of charm and incentive to explore the world.
Game Freak got what they fucking deserved.

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

Shockingly bad. A "spiritual successor" that flies too close to the sun by shamelessly copying Banjo-Kazooie instead of just building on its strengths. The bloated level design is a particular case study for how the developers failed to learn from the mistakes of older 3D platformers.

This has aged much, much better than I thought it would, after having not touched it for at least a decade.
Too bad it has one of the most obnoxious save prompts that I've ever seen.

This is a cute twist on the original Super Mario Bros, but Mushroom Kingdom Fusion stomps it onto the curb so violently that it's kind of hard to watch.

...well it sure isn't Super Meat Boy.

Rest in peace, Pikmin W.I.P. You will be sorely missed.
As always, fuck Nintendo.

I was ready to give this game 5 stars because it's a miles-deep rabbit hole of content; the ultimate realization of ideas planted by Super Mario Bros Crossover and Smash Melee's adventure mode.
However, going through the first world reminded me of how fucking horrendous autoscrolling levels can be.

Ordeals fucking suck. They ruin what would otherwise be a masterpiece.
The main fun is discovering each of the Abnormalities, and the game’s difficulty is actually bearable once you've figured them out. But the randomized Ordeals are annoying time-wasters at best, or inevitable day-enders at worst.