646 reviews liked by GemKeeper

One of the best fighting games ever made. While it may be lacking in single player content, this game has pushed me to play at a skill level i never even thought possible. It controls extremely smoothly and almost never gets old when played with friends.

Possibly the best Super Smash Bros game in terms of the content it has to offer. there are so many modes and challenges and cool features offered in this game that somehow have not made their way into newer entries. the subspace story mode is one of the coolest things Nintendo has ever done. unfortunately though, the gameplay can feel a little bit clunky and slow at times.

Not to much to say about this one, its a revolutionary arcade game and its still pretty fun.

A fun game while the servers were up, but not super re-playable. it got old after a while.

One of the greatest video games ever created. Even with such little enemy variety the world feels so incredibly vast and expansive. No matter where you go, there is something new and interesting for you to discover. This game will leave an impression on you for the rest of your life.

a fun game, you probably have it if you own a wii. i would recomend just playing wii sports resort if you have it

Not as good as the original nsmb, but it still has fun multiplayer

One of the greatest video games ever created. the levels and orchestral music all feel so grand and epic in a way not usually seen in Mario games. i get chills every time i play it. even the story is incredible for Mario standards. everything that Nintendo tried to do with this game worked exceptionally well, and your missing out if you haven't experienced it.

In terms of gameplay, this game is great in all the ways mario galaxy is. In fact, id say the level design in this one is a little bit better. unfortunately though that doesn't quite make up for the complete loss of the sense of magic felt in the first game. the story is nonexistence and the atmosphere of all the planets is much brighter and just completely different. still an incredible game, but in my opinion a downgrade over the original

Its a decently polished game but i don't love it. the mini games are not particularly amazing and the board layouts are very boring

1 list liked by GemKeeper