81 Reviews liked by GonashX

it's not awful by any means but all of the yoyo controls being bound to like 1 button made it kinda jank to control - i wanna break something but then i accidentally tap X one too many times and fly off the map, it seems like i could just be more careful when pressing X but still, seems like an oversight.

and with the art style being the way it is, not getting 60FPS on switch seems ridiculous, i bought it on switch and then swiftly pirated it on PC once i found out the switch version is locked at 30FPS lol.

character/world design is pretty cute however, even the UI design is cute and bouncy, similar to mania. it's got a lot of charm, i just think the levels aren't super fun to run through and the lil side quests weren't engaging and the collectibles weren't very well dispersed.

when the controls work, they feel fun but momentum dies really fast which can result in pretty unsatisfying movement. also, again, everything yoyo-related being bound to like 1 button really soured the experience for me. would recommend to people who really really like 3D platformers, otherwise there's not a lot of reason to go out of your way to play this imo. i don't see myself coming back to this ever, really.

Once Sega finds the Taxman type working on a loving ode to the 3D Sonics, it's over for all you hoes.

Hmmm.... this game is OK, but I think it would be a lot better with cheap looking 3D graphics and a shitty fake genesis soundfont for half the soundtrack

The Neon Genesis Evangelion of videogames.

this is like when you open the frisge and there is only dollar store pizza and orange juice

People will shill any soulless cash grab if it serves them to shit on something they hate.

misleading title, game didn't run in 50 FPS

Thinking about this game, the discourse around it, the developers, the streamers, the players, the supporters, gives me spiritual depression

bitches be like "this is what takes nintendo and those soulless corporations down" when this game was made with the same soulless sentiment

made like a dark, twisted version of pokemon haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my open-world survival crafting slop would make most simply go insane lmao.

Not playing this because I would never hurt a woman

Fuck off, I’m not wasting 700 hours that I could have spent actually contributing something to society on the MCU for people who unironically use the word waifu

Pokémon fans have zero standards I swear to god. How could you call gen 5 “perfect” when it has the severe flaw of reminding me that Long Island exists?

It’s about making the most of your short time in life yet it’s 82 hours long? Hypocrisy much?